Wtf is this true?

wtf is this true?

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Ukrainebros we got too cocky

>some turd on Twitter with ethier an anime, stick figure or doll-eyed propa cartoon avatar, has an opinion


>Nazi propaganda
>Insert pic with the twitter retard spouting shit while Any Forums interviews him.

Twitter was a mistake.

white people resisting black immigrants

How the fucking hell is 300 nazi propaganda?

kill yourself

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Spartans were a militaristic society that practiced eugenics. Persians were pretty liberal for the time period and the film glorifies their slaughter

This is what this guy looks like btw

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Gross. That's a Jewish pedo if I've ever seen one.

I don't know about the nazi bit but the entire premise of 300 is that the story is being told on the eve of battle by an unreliable narrator to inspire spartan troops.

The king (fuhrer) is the main hero leading a nationalist revolt against an internationalist force. They are eugenicists who explicitly denounce and kill the mentally/physically disabled. Mysticism is baked into the decision making process/beliefs of the state. They actively fight against and show the explicitly democratic components of the society in the politicians to be traitorous or cowardly. Nearly every depiction of sex is negative, nearly every problem is solved with violence. The Spartans are basically racially uniform. Death and violence are portrayed as heroic, exciting, and laudable.

>for the time period
Since when do leftists give a pass for this?

we should have never told kids they could interpret movies

It's a Snyder film.

he said something like how it portrays the western Greeks as super photogenic versus the eastern persians as deformed and degenerate as eugenic overtones

tv is a snyder board

Marx and his options on what he calls "niggers". Or even Ghandi and his views on what should be done about Africans in India.

spbp. Thank God twitter isn't real life

>bisexual enbie male, SRA member, union and cooperative enjoyer, he/she/they/“pronouns in bio”, 27

Kill a roastie for God

300 is cool as an awesomebro movie but completely divorced from reality

its a fucking movie why does it have to be realistic?

>hmmm, is this nazis?
>yes and here's why
tired tale

because uuuuh something something women and niggers mad

dont even have to look at his early life section

>twitter isn't real life
could've fooled me. Seems like it's seeping into the real world more and more these days

it would be hard to argue that death and violence aren't exciting.

also they're not leading a revolt against an internationalist force, they are defending their nation state against another nation state that is attacking them.

its a story retold for the one guy who was sent home

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when they are talking about darkies fighting whites

Literally every time

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Never mind that the Spartans are fucking slaughtered by the end of the movie.

Rabid internationalists ( marxists, christians, muslims, etc ) are typically universalist and see their global order as inevitable and desirable. By definition that makes "reactionary" resistance irrational and evil. I am not saying they are right, I am just giving the devil's advocate account of how the movie can be viewed as nazi propaganda.

christians and muslims are not internationalists

le evil white spartans killing brown people
But also greeks weren’t white they were heckin multicultrual POC chud!

Why do people try to apply modern morals/ethics to ancient civilizations like this? Alexander the great basically spent his entire life doing what they are saying Putin is doing, do they consider him a villain also?

It wasn't nazi propaganda, it was literally just American Propaganda during the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Was a fun movie, though

It's not anti white (like recent Batman), so it's nazi.

honest question what does this mean
do you mean check wikipedia if they were born to jewish people?

Yes they are. They believe every soul on earth belongs to the same god and are responsible for the invasion and desecration of countless nations/religions.

Advice to a small child
Advise to a fucking jacked man

There is a reason all competent media has him die of something like a heart attack, instead of something Clark could easily stop. Superman problem as a hero, is never that he doesn't fucking care, its that he cares too much. Like putting a world in a bottle.

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>nazi propaganda


>militaristic society that practiced eugenics.
We can dream

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>Advise to a fucking jacked man
i know this is silly but clark was supposed to be 13 in that scene, they should had used the kid from the flashbacks instead of cavil

nah spartans were retarded and bred themselves out of existence. their phalanx wasnt ven that good


Not the want that I had thought, but it's fine anyway, thank you very much!

Yes, but eventually you won’t need to

>unreliable narrator
No. The curtains are blue.