Batmans costume should be like silk. Very thin, and tight fitting, like og Spidermans

Batmans costume should be like silk. Very thin, and tight fitting, like og Spidermans.

Batman is a ninja detective. His power is stealth, planning, and martial arts.

The cape is meant to increase his silhouette so shooters are more likely to hit open air.

The only hard parts of costume should be the forearm spikes, which are used to trap and break knives and blades.

Batman is not a space marine. He's a shadow with fists.

Attached: 87b268e59d9ba5c55c32b78b80df8c46.jpg (570x523, 30.8K)

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>The cape is meant to increase his silhouette so shooters are more likely to hit open air.

he's a fucking faggot in spandex is what he is

Batman is the DCU's version of Iron Man with a rich fuck using his wealth to have the best tech and armor to fight evil with.

Agreed, Pattinson just shrugging off gunfire in the new one (until the plot needed him not to) pissed me off. There's nothing cool or impressive about Batman beating a bunch of armed criminals with his bare hands if he's mostly bulletproof anyway.

This isn't your blog faggot.

That's pretty impressive moron. Just because you're bullet proof doesn't mean you can kick anyone's ass. Let alone multiple people.

It's weird how they tried to make Batman as realistic as possible in some areas (i really liked how he couldn't glide like in the Nolan movies, and his only BASE jump was a drawn out process before he ate shit) but then you have Batman just tanking half a mag of 7.62 like it's nothing, no armor is that tough

and yet you cream over the warehouse fight in BvS where the same thing happens

>villains have guns
>give him nearly zero protection from bullets

Good idea.

>The only hard parts of costume should be the forearm spikes
The bat symbol on his chest hides a bullet proof shield that protects his heart

>Batman is the DCU's version of Iron Man-
IN-fucking-CORRECT dipshit.

they shoot him in back of the head, with a 9mm
but earlier in the movie alfred says he's working on a new layer of armor for the cowl

Tell me what's incorrect with it. Go on. I'll wait.

He doesn't wear armor. He is not willing to sacrifice DEX for DEF

He should be naked, and hang upside down in a cave while shitting so hard until guano starts forming.

He takes the best traits of bats, not the worst ones, faggot


You mean like Affleck's?

When they made the character not everyone was running around with full auto assault rifles and RPG launchers. His suit needs to be the armor bomb squad guys wear just so he can survive going to the store to buy more batmilk.

giving the chinese the plague?