Great historical revisionism propaganda Japan. How did they manage to fool so many people with this victimisation porn...

Great historical revisionism propaganda Japan. How did they manage to fool so many people with this victimisation porn? How did Japanese war criminal nationalists get away with this movie aimed to fool children into believing the japanese were the victims of US aggression? A blatant LIE?

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Why does this kino trigger the heckin burgerinos? The blood is on your pudgy little fingers wal-sharters

The atom bombs were a justified way to end a war which would've killed 10 million people. They gave Japan a future instead of the US burning the entire country to the ground and annexing it.

They’re just trying to tell a story. Citizens were caught in the crossfire.

>instead of the US burning the entire country to the ground and annexing it
that's literally what happened though

citizens who were aware of, complicit in, and celebrated war crimes? oh no how terrible

I unironically, seriously, 100% deadass hope Russia turns US into nuclear glass


upset about the truth, John Kawaziwashi?

P.S.: Israel too.
/leaves thread

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But GotF is about the firebombing, and it's not even about that.

prove it

The better view, taken by historians like Gar Alperovitz, is that Japan was likely going to surrender anyway after Russia's invaded Manchuria, but the Americans wanted to shock and awe Russia with proof of willingness to use a weapon of mass destruction on civilians.

i've watched this movie expecting some chink propaganda "hurr allies bad", but it wasn't anything like it, i don't know where this meme come from
anyway it wasn't really a good movie anyway, maybe if i were still a kid then it would make me sad

Dude, will you ever stop making this thread? I see it almost every single day.
Yes the US committed disgusting war crimes in Japan, they continue to commit atrocities to this day in basically every war they are involved in, give it a rest.

I agree in principle but a retarded number of Americans will say this not understanding that they were exactly like the Imperial Japanese Army in Vietnam.

if the film was fair it would have spent the first half showing japs chopping the heads off of pows, starving and torturing them and raping and murdering women and babies, without that you don't have context

Exactly this

It's completely insane how much Japan has gotten away with and how much everyone has forgotten. Literally no one would have given a shit if US nuked Germany instead. Also who cares about "war crimes". It's on par with "You can't do that, it's illegal!". It's argument that says the social consensus is automatically correct. Also 99% of the arguments that oppose nuking Japan are due to the benefit of hindsight and the ability to backseat drive without any of your input being put to the test.
>they continue to commit atrocities to this day in basically every war they are involved in
If you want to win a war then you will need to commit war crimes and atrocities. A lot of these wars (although not Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan etc.) did need to be fought and they needed to be won. Only hindsight says otherwise. Isolationism and pacificism are utopian concepts. If you are either of them then your choices are to be protected by a imperialist nation or be conquered by an imperialist nation.

Yes this is what literally every country does including America.

Civilians are victims of their government's decisions.

>instead of the US burning the entire country to the ground and annexing it

nuclear weapons weren't even a war crime at the time, strategic bombing of cities was done by all sides.

Burgers are fucking hilarious