Why is media trying to gaslight people into finding age gap relationships werd?

Pic related was considered perfectly fine and normal for a relationship in the 70s and 80s despite Han being 34 and Leia 19. But now, there seems to be some concerted effort in movies to brainwash people into viewing such relationships as weird. What’s the deal?

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Roasties want to spend their teens and early 20s riding the cock carousel before they settle down in their 30s post-wall.
In demonizing age gap relationships as “gross” or “evil” they’re able to better shame men into marrying post-wall used up sluts.
Really you should try to date a woman 5-10 years younger than yourself. She’ll be cuter for longer and you’ll face less fertility issues down the road. It will allow you to have a kid in your late 30s when you’re established in your career and making good money without risking having an autism baby because of your post wall wife’s dried up eggs.
I say this as someone who married someone that is only 1 year younger than myself (but we started dating early 20s and she was a virgin)

Part of it is the attempted infantilization and renaming of adults under 30 into (emerging adults), another part is the brain development myth which is actually completely false lol

Women are realizing they are being replaced by younger models

A tale as old as humanity itself.

P.S. Don't smoke cigarettes girls. It makes you look hot for a bit but later you will be even more ugly.

This is true.

Attached: 1617824625186.jpg (1280x720, 100.89K)

I’m 25 and planning to date girls around 18-19, and it’s largely because I have no sexual/romantic experience and want to date someone on the same level.

they will have at least two years of experience by then. but don't worry you'll be a complete disappointment just like all the boys their age. so your idea might just work.

Why do you keep making this thread?

Sounds fine, but I mostly prefer cute loner girls, so I might get lucky.

Wasn’t me


Media has ALWAYS been trying to push age gap relationships, especially through Hollywood. You're literally posting an example of Hollywood promoting an age gap that is not common in real life.
Age gaps are propaganda. In real life, the vast majority of couples are within 2 years, and it's almost as common for the woman to be older as the man. Yet in Hollywood, every couple has the man 10 years older.

Only men think this, because they don't understand women's perspective that age gaps are genuinely creepy (to women).

So men are monsters? I think it's Jews replacing women with younger women that Jews want to destoy too. Not men in general.

Stop using made up terms you read about jezabel/kotaku/huffington post

That mindset is incredibly abnormal up until like last year.

Average age gap in the US is about 3 years, meaning half of marriages have a larger one. My mom and dad’s age gap is 5 years, for example.

My mom and dad's are 4 years, with mom older. There are a lot of weirdos with 20 year gaps, which massively pumps up the number, even if most people are within just 1 year.

No, women have just been "empowered" to be more vocal about it on social media. Now zoomer girls are complaining left and right about older guys hitting on them. They always hated it. I remember 10 years ago they hated it too.

If there’s a lot of people with 20+ year age gaps, wouldn’t that mean such arrangements aren’t really that rare?

Trips and FPBP

Yeah, “older” as in out of shape men in their 40s+. Zoomer girls aren’t going to throw a fit about a good-looking guy in his late 20s-30s hitting on them. They openly lust after such men on the big screen.

By a lot I mean way too many, not that it's common. A lot would be like 10%, because it should be 0%.
If 9 couples are same age, and 1 couple has some 3 time divorced 20 year gap dude, the average age gap would look bad. In reality almost everyone prefers their same age.

But they do throw a fit over 30 year olds talking to them.
Thinking a guy is hot on screen doesn't mean you'd feel comfortable if he actually talked to you in real life.

Yeah, it doesn’t look like the bimodal distribution you’re alleging actually exists.

Attached: 7E6AAC75-F2BE-4A35-9701-11AED4588316.png (1220x1030, 25.78K)

Your chart shows older woman is quite common, and most couples are about the same age.

This is literally insane. What would possibly make you think like this? You really think zoomer girls would feel disgusted by Henry Cavill and Chris Hemsworth hitting on them? Give me a break.

It shows that your allegations of a disproportionate number of 20+ year age gap couples is nonsense, and the average age gap of 2.5-3 years is pretty close to the median

That was the exact example someone used. She was 26 years old and said "I think Chris Hemsworth is hot, but if he came up to me, my attraction would immediately vanish." Meaning she thinks he looks good, but if he was attracted to someone so young he'd be creepy.