I used to work at a cinema when American Sniper came out. Instead of the usual popcorn and soda slime...

I used to work at a cinema when American Sniper came out. Instead of the usual popcorn and soda slime, I would always find discarded cigarettes, crushed beer cans, hot sauce, chewing tobacco, aluminum foil, etc. from the crowds seeing that flick.
One time i found a wrapper to an entire cheese wheel discarded in the American Sniper theater, So whenever I think about this movie I remember the kinds of people who came to see it are the kinds of people who sneak bottles of mead and cheese wheels into the kinoplex like a fucking Skyrim character.

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im a tranny btw

god I HATE conservatives

Based rednecks making your wagecuck life more miserable

This was unironically the greatest war film of the 2010s OP. stay mad and filtered

this nigga eatin cheese

You are an un-American faggot

Imagine going to a shit movie theater that doesnt have beer or hot sauce lmao that shit would have to be snuck in then the fucking establishment is terrible hahaha.

And why didn’t you join up?

Fuck Chris Kyle
Rest in piss

That's okay, we love you enough to make up for it.

how come whenever I reply in a thread no one else does after me? like you guys don’t like me?

>entire cinema full of obese ex-JROTC
>smoking, drinking shitty beer, one dude eats an entire cheese wheel in 15 minutes
>"this is literally me, I am the American sniper"

Sounds like a bunch of based SOBs

>loving people

>One time i found a wrapper to an entire cheese wheel discarded in the American Sniper theater,

Are you human?


In 2007 I went to 30 Days of Night with some guys from my barracks. Most of us in the military were 19 year old alcoholics & we brought a bottle of Goldschläger into the theatre. As soon as we cracked it open it dropped & broke. The whole theatre smelled like cinnamon which was kind of nice.

how is your relationship with your father user?

Attached: apu look.png (729x638, 182.59K)

>wrapper to an entire cheese wheel
Holy kek, how did they pull it off?