Why did he randomly start singing the Hitman Blood Money theme song?

Why did he randomly start singing the Hitman Blood Money theme song?

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I was just watching Dunkey play that game.
Really one of the classics.
Absolute classic.

That’s the song that played during the funeral. Weird that he knows the lyrics since it’s one of those ugly gibberish languages that wogs use.

Classic Paul Dano

how come whenever I reply in a thread no one else replies after me. like I’m not liked here


Jesus Christ did ANYONE pay fucking attention to this movie? He was one of the orphan choir boys at Thomas Wayne's charity speech, and that was the song they were singing. Also it came up again here

was his dad the journalist?

Everyone is just throwing a hissy fit over Catwoman's one line and not caring about anything else.

I loved when they were both yelling at each other on each side of the glass. You’d think the cops/doctors would step in when two grown orphans in costumes screaming/singing at each other in a mental asylum… nope, let them hash it out.

No one gives a shit sperg, they're mocking the acting. Now you know.

that's what's called "bad acting"

It's Schubert's most famous composition and is an extremely well known piece. Why wouldn't anyone sing it?

>Noooooooo!!!!!!!!! LET ME SHITPOST!!!!!!
No faggot
>The acting
Newsflash: Eddie is a fucking autist. I'm sure you can relate

>I was just watching Dunkey play that game.

Cope kike, people aren't ignoring your garbage anymore. If we get even one hint of kikery in anything we're not stuffing your box office

im literally the riddler bros


Keep saying it

Just wait for Warcraft 2 to come out. Finally capeshit will go away and actual kino will return.

Common hymn used to beg mercy from God. Clue something biblical was about to happen.