The War for Madonna

Sweeney, Garner, and Ferreira have all auditioned for the role of Madonna in the upcoming biopic. Madonna herself says she wants Pugh in the role.

Who would you say is the best fit, Any Forums? Or do you have another actress altogether in mind?

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No other option besides Sweeney. She's even a bad actor like Madonna is.

Pogu best choice

Paris Jackson would've been my choice.

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Lineage makes her blacklisted

Sins of the Father, visited upon his kids.

Why would anyone be interested in watching this

Is this Madonna?

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Since you asked nicely, Pugh. But Kenny said it best...

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Garner or Pugh.

Unless it's R rated with nudity, then Sweeney.

But i believe that Gardner has nice boobas

Now don't be mean, Madonna's been through a lot.

Garner, Pugh and Sweeney are all in relationships with much older men, so I believe all 3 have the necessary mental health issues required to play Madonna.

Wow, she doesn't look half black.

Garner too? Who's she with?

Mark Foster

You don't have to be crazy to be in a relationship with an older man.

I'll be damned.

Obviously not enough

...but it helps