Growing up is realising Lois was in the right

Growing up is realising Lois was in the right

Attached: lois.jpg (322x400, 90.24K)

I would crawl through 3 miles of broken glass and kill someone’s dog for one sniff of her asshole


What show is this from?

user, I love Lois too, but she wasn't always right.

>that episode where she is convinced she was cut off in traffic and hal manages to calm her down and get her to admit she was wrong but it turns out she was right
based lois

I used to love this show until my mind made the connection with my mother and her being alike and then I subconsciously avoided the show because I wasn’t ready for that

francis basically fried his parents brains with all his trouble, so by the time the rest of the kids grew up lois was already batshit crazy. the show was basically about malcolm and the kids paying for francis's bs

I did that with Keeping Up Appearances. They're my grandparents, minus being so in everyone's face. I have a hard time because it's a funny show, but it's like spending time with family I don't get along with

Lois is the best wife and mother in television history and it is not even close

the kids grew up so gradually in the series its really weird to watch a later season and then see a clip from one of the first seasons


She'd be even fucking hotter if she had a cock

>bitch wife
>bitch mom
>fucks Malcolm out of a high paying job right out of high school
>wants Malcolm to be president, thinking he(one man) can change the country
>not realizing she’s the reason why Reese and Francis are complete shit
>not realizing Dewey and Malcolm came out semi decent in a spite of her
>zero de-escalation skills

Benny in between

Yeah well her mom sucked too so that means she's not responsible for doing bad things

I love Lois.

>>fucks Malcolm out of a high paying job right out of high school
>>wants Malcolm to be president, thinking he(one man) can change the country
this was the dumbest part of the series, and Malcom was an idiot for going along with it. A true future leader would make his own decisions.

Michael in the Midst

Life is unfair

Simon in the centre

Childhood is siding with Francis and Malcom
Teenagehood is believing Lois was right
Adulthood is realizing Reese was always right

Reese in the Rear

Adulthood is wondering why Hal never murdered Lois, divorced her, or go out for cigarettes and never come back.

>Reese was always right

>that ep where he freezes his lower body so he can fight stevie fair and square
>''reese you're crazy''
>''they said einstein was crazy until he started kicking ass''
i'm not gonna argue