ITT: characters who were too based to live

ITT: characters who were too based to live

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the only interesting character in the entire show, dies in three scenes. do they even focus group this shit

I thought he was cool but then I rewatched the good the bad and the ugly and I realized hes just a cheap imitation

That’s the point friend

>killing off good characters in a franchise that requires characters to live in this never ending story
Why are Americans so retarded? "You know what this good character needs? To be killed and never seen again."

>yet another Disney+ season that introduces a compelling villain at the very end, in just the last 1 or 2 episodes, when the season would have been better if that villain was present the whole time
Why is this such a pattern for them

Star Wars Rebels isn't even cannon, fuck off with your glorified fan fiction faggot garbage.

I had the dvd for like season 2 of TCW and it had a little pamphlet inside that had a clone wars style good the bad and the ugly poster in it

How else are they gonna get you to watch season 2?

>Cad Bane
Try again

He lived though he literally has a visible ekg on his chest

Based on what? Stupid ESL.

In this case that doesn't factor into it because he dies

The creators literally said he's an Eastwood Blondie ripoff, but I say what's the problem

They're hacks who think "death = compelling drama". That's why they went and killed pretty much every character and location George ever created, until they realized they had no more characters left, so they had to resurrect them.

Its not that hes a ripoff, i know that, its just that star wars is terrible in comparison

wow who asked faggot?

>looks worse than Duros in ANH

Rent free

Who said anything about Rebels? Take your meds

Based (and slightly keyed)


All me btw

Oh well that's a given

Don't care, didn't ask, not reading your autistic fan wiki.

even chase himself admitted he killed him off too early

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Everyone is acting like he definitely died, but they made a whole point of showing he had a tracker or something flashing on him, so he’ll just end up being alive really obviously. Also he’ll be in the Obi Wan show anyway because it’s a prequel.