You know its true

You know its true

Attached: best trilogies.jpg (450x323, 39.83K)

Fellowship should be maxed and Return slightly lower than TT

>Fellowship not better than the sequels
>Star Wars, Indiana Jones Road Warrior, Jaws and Back to the Future better than Fellowship

Attached: 1625837815851.gif (480x287, 1.21M)

>still rating LOTR as separate films
It's a 10/10 11 hours long film.

Based Extendedchad

Maryjane simp detected.

The Last Crusade is clearly better than Temple of Doom
Back to the Future Part 2 is clearly better than Part 3

how the fuck is soi wars faggotry strikes back above any of the LOTR movies?

Are we talking Abrams Star Trek, because the first was the best of those three

Star Trek is a trilogy? Are we talking about the JJ Abrams shit here?

The Lord of the Rings "Trilogy" is basically just one long film, especially if you watch the Extended edition.

No way, the JJ series would be

These ratings scream 2010 reddit/letterboxd

That picture is older than the Jew Jew films so it must be talking about the TOS movies which aren't a trilogy. 2, 3, 4 are arguably a trilogy but 1 is very much a standalone movie.

The Last Crusade is the greatest film ever made

>Matrix Reloaded that low
>LOTR that low
>The last crusade not being the highest rated from Indie
>Back to the future 2 rated equally as 3
>First Spiderman that low
>Return of the Jedi that high
>Jurassic Park 1 that low

>Back to the future 2 rated equally as 3
But they are one movie

I think so, those movies are the only Star Trek ones wich are a more or less formal trilogy. Also yeah dont really get why put the 1st one at the bottom

bullshit. indiana jones is overated af. its cinematography for children with music dominating every second making whole ordeal pointless

This pic is so ancient is doent even have Bourne.

Back to the Future 2 was miles better than 3 imo

>not overflowing on all 3
>2 being 2nd
>2 not being at max along with the other 2
>not hyphen
>1 is lower than 2
>Jurassic Park
>1 not being max
>2 and 3 not being near half
There's a lot of problems.

That picture has been around since at least 2014 which was before the third film had come out, it means the TOS movies

>Attack of the Clones better than Revenge of the Sith

Fixed what I wanted to fix

Attached: 1646598186138.jpg (450x323, 23.34K)