ITT: Movies only you watched

ITT: Movies only you watched.

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I hope you mean on Any Forums because it's actually popular with women.

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really like the spaceship design in that

This is the last movie I watched. I don't watch many movies because Any Forums hates the shit I like.

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I watched a bunch of movies with Colin Farrell.

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I watched the hell out of this when I was a kid. Absolute kino.

That used to be on the Disney Channel all the fucking time when i was a kid.

I'd love to watch it but old movies with cats remind me that they're dead

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It's not like they were your cats, lol. I'm laughing at you for being such a fag.

I keep getting this shit confused with the Steve Carrell movie

Is there another movie called The Way Back? That one is from the director of Master and Commander.


Does anyone get naked?

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Sea of Love
License To Live
Hard Men

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Its pretty good too

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>Jonah Hill

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There's an entire thread discussing these movies active right now. You're not special.

Thanks for the reply but I'm in that thread. I posted them because I watched them recently.

I'll be shocked if ANY of you niggers have seen this

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and also I posted them before I saw the thread.