Could this unpublished version of batman work

>from gerards way conceptual batman elseworld that would have been published under vertigo
>Bruce Wayne was institutionalized in Arkham Asylum after his parents’ murder
>Bruce really thinks he’s a bat to the point of hanging up-side-down and eating rats. Bruce’s madness is so severe that’s he’s convinced he has physic abilities–and maybe he does–we can never know for sure.

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Shut up nigger

Looks stupid. Dumb emo faggot.

>Bruce really thinks he’s a bat to the point of hanging up-side-down and eating rats. Bruce’s madness is so severe that’s he’s convinced he has physic abilities–and maybe he does–we can never know for sure.
Pathological misunderstanding of the character, idea probably conceived by some fat boomer hollywood producer that never read a single Batman story.

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i think the entire point of batman is that he battles with his mental illness everyday while still remaining grounded. if you turn him into a full blown schizo it ruins the character

Pathological misunderstanding of elseworld...

So what if its an Elseworld, you mental midget? There are well-written Elseworlds and badly written ones, some people can tell the difference.

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>uhhh eets an el-seh-u-orl, therefore its okay if its retarded!
You should probably off yourself whenever the next opportunity arises.

It's not really an elseworld of you're just gonna remake the same exact story you mental nigger


I hate everything that Gerard Way has ever done

explain the metaphors in this comic to me

>it's only an elseworld if its fucking retarded
Behold, the best that Any Forums has to offer in terms of intellect.

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What's a meta for?

Rad represents Americans and dweeble represents all other irrelevant countries it's especially telling if you note the use of farenheit over celcius tied into the characters backstory. Basically America can do what it wants and no one can stop it.

What's the point of consooming the same story forever and ever. These stories get really old too fast anyway

If you want something different then watch something else instead of flocking towards anything that has a BATMAN brand name on it, you stupid bastard.

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Tim Burton didn't have the balls to pull that off

Imagine being this mad over a cartoon for babies. Unironically get laid you worthless faggot

Says the guy that uses the word "elseworlds" unironically.

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It's a DC imprint you uncultured retard.

Imagine being this mad over a cartoon for babies. Unironically get laid you worthless faggot

sam raimi batman be like

Would have worked desu. I like batman as a sideshow freak from the 30s instead of muh tacticool Nolan fag

It could work, Batman being insane is a common trope in pretty kino batman stories, and I like the idea of him being institutionalised his whole life in Arkham, that's an angle I haven't seen before.
HOWEVER, it's not surprising that this comes from Gerard Way, and his influences here are pretty transparent
>Tim Burton
>The Crow
>Tom Waits in Dracula
The execution would probably be pretty terrible, and mostly focused on the aesthetics of insanity and would be pretty shallow.

I agree but as a conceptual foundation. I love it.