Post Oscar-bait

Post Oscar-bait

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Define Oscar bait and I may be able to, OP.

>Usain Bolt running the 100m in 9.58s is gold medal bait

This is literally one of the few years when the movie that deserved Best Picture actually won it.

I fucking hated that movie. Pretty much everything with emma stone makes me wanna kill myself

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Why did you even watch if you hate the actress?

>A Generations Final Journey Begins

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It's good, actually. Don't like that they used a totally different camera for the rooftop Stone/Norton scenes though, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

the ending of birdman was pretty stupid, no. the rest of the film was fine

Nice reply. I'm filtering both your images so feel free to post a third.


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Everything DiCaprio is in, after The Man with The Iron Mask.

Can anyone in the thread even define Oscar bait? Because I don't think it means anything.

i rather like Birdman, Keaton was fucking robbed

Movies designated to hollywood retards
Here you go

>designated to hollywood retards

Yeah, that doesn't make it any clearer. I'm letting myself out.

Oscar bait are movies that seem to be made specifically to win Oscars. Usually that means insincere preachy fag shit with some big name actors. A classic example is I Am Sam.

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A movie made bad on purpose to win oscars.

Typically a’non fiction’ historical drama about a person over coming some sort of social restraint. Reason being is that this is what typically wins awards. Stars a big hollywood star like tom hanks or will smith. The movie has no real merit and only exists to collect awards

Definitions are for post modern fags; use your gut

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