"There are two things: Is the argument that a gentile cannot play a Jew...

>"There are two things: Is the argument that a gentile cannot play a Jew, and is the argument therefore that a Jew cannot play a gentile?" McKellen replied when asked about the backlash over the fact that Mirren is not Jewish. He then took his answer one step farther, touching on his own feelings as a gay man in Hollywood.

>"Is the argument that a straight man cannot play a gay part, and, if so, does that mean I can't play straight parts and I'm not allowed to explore the fascinating subject of heterosexuality in Macbeth?" McKellen asked incredulously. "Surely not. We're acting. We're pretending."

RIP gandalf. He named them. It's over.

Attached: Screenshot_2022-03-06 Nerdrotic on Twitter.png (598x759, 486.18K)

Based faggot, there is nothing wrong with a white person playing a black person

Shakespeare preferred all his female characters to be played by men.

Can't wait for the left to eat itself over this

>twitter drama is real
Go back there

What do you mean by this? Do the characters think an obviously white man is black or do you mean changing a traditionally/originally black person to white?


Attached: FBErokOXMAAJtyz.jpg (1155x540, 30.32K)

>Leftists think this is "cpntroversial"

Based, acting is in part meant to be an exercise in empathy and to understand the humanity of others. The only exceptions come in stories that are meant to depict a specific historic circumstance wherein superficial characteristics are crucial to story told.


It wasn't preference. Only men were actors back then in general.

Kinda based.

>"Is the argument that a straight man cannot play a gay part, and, if so, does that mean I can't play straight parts and I'm not allowed to explore the fascinating subject of heterosexuality

No, no Ian. A gay man is allowed to explore any role he wants, while a straight man, of course, is not allowed to play a gay, trans, black, white, hispanic, asian, neanderthal, or animal character. It's called equality, bud.

>twitter drama is real
It is though? Actors have gotten fired and blacklisted for "Twitter drama". See: Gina Carano.
Not really sure what your point was.

He's only trying to preemptively protect himself for then the Maiar will come out in droves and condemn him for being casted as Gandalf

White actor playing a black character
Tastefully done blackface
Racial swapping as long as it fits the setting

Straight actors have usually played gay characters
You could almost call this "pink face" or "queer face"
There is a certain inauthenticity to this
Why not give an acting opportunity to gay actors?

This guy doesn't know about actors...

Dont forget he was at Bryan Singers parties with underage boys
That wasn't his preference, that was the de jur for all theatre in those days

Daily reminder that non-nigger voice talent aren't allowed to voice nigger characters, but the opposite is still ok.

>Of course I’ve had sex with men, I’m an actor for fuck Sake
- Tom Hardy

>Gina Carano is an actor
No she isn't.