Awful casting thread

>awful casting thread

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She looked less out of place than the actual niggers

Pretty much anything she‘s in except Euphoria

the new joker guy

This is just a distraction for how terribly Paul Atreides was cast

>HERBERT: One of the things I noticed as a reporter -- I was a journalist longer than I've been on this side of the table -- is that in all the marching in the streets in the '60s, the people who were shouting "Power to -the People" didn't mean power to the people. They meant "power to me and I'll tell the people what to do." When you questioned them it was confirmed at every turn.

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sorry i didn't mean to reply to you
at least i got quads

Imagine her stuffing both of her sweaty socks from days of walking in your mouth.

and Idaho, and Kynes, and... well just about the entire cast.

fpbp, retards bought the "desert=black as sin people" meme

>Could've had a perfect movie
>Woman ruins your kino
Every time

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Unacceptable by 2020 standard

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non-whites with White-people-eyes gives me the creep

she was REALLY bad in this holy fuck. Without DDL as Bill this would have been a really dogshit movie

I will now watch your movie.

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delete this or i'll have to filter it

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Only good casting in that film was Skarsgard. And then they completely waste it by giving him literally nothing to work with.

What a disaster.

That’s fantastic casting. Because that’s not Lex Luthor.