Just fuck a robot bro

>just fuck a robot bro
>also have interracial marriage with a black man

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>just make this thread over and over bro

for you

so i can see the ratings for this are dog shit but the trailer had a lot of visual kino, is it worth watching soely for that or is most of it in the trailer?

The movie is French, everything the French makes is subhuman

Gaspar Noe makes some alright shit

>From the man who finally killed the original alien franchise

Pic related is like the 7th image when you search this up on Google images and it gives me Robo cop vibes.
Is it worth watching?

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Armond White said it was the first great film of 2022

What did they mean by this?

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What kind of shit take is this? Are we gonna forget about
The Intouchables
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
And whatever else i'm forgetting or are you just an uncultured faggot?

He's an educated contrarian, of course he'd play devils advocate for it
City of lost children sucked, delicatessen sucked and so does this

>Portrait of a Lady on Fire

>just keep thinking about black guys fucking white women bro

seek help. stop watching interracial porn

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About halfway through it. This is amusing but I will have forgotten everything about it an hour after it's done. White is only praising it because he knows he'll fuck up trying to critique it.

It's worth watching. I actually really liked it. But watch it for the commentary on transhumanism and surveillance society and the creative visuals, but not for the action.

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>City of lost children sucked, delicatessen sucked and so does this
Imagine having such a shit taste
I would agree with you normally, but the interracial sex really does feel forced. Literally, the black guy is the only character on screen to get any. You can feel the Netflix exec intervention.

>City of lost children sucked
You are sentenced to nothing but capeshit threads from here on out where you belong

>Is it worth watching?
Just finished it. Yeah, it's bretty gud.

really what did you expect?