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I like this jew

Warmongering Zionist

>look him up
>he's still alive
what the fuck

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He is delightful to behold

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He warned NATO about Ukriane! He told em dog!


Absolute unit.

buttmad shitskin/ricer

Literally prevented and ended war.
Kissinger is based and realist pilled.

Should I accept that I’m a nazi? That’s something I really struggle with. Not even joking. I have strong nazi sympathies and I feel extremely guilty about it. I don’t want to admit they were right, so I try to hide it. Is he telling me to accept that?

Kissinger on Page One on Batman day? Do people think he would have been a better Penguin?

Don't tell putin he'll invade you for it

I love this his whole reason for starting a fucking global conflict was “I’m just punching nazis bro”

It's like he's mocking the world view of western leaders or something...

That’s not the actual reason, just the excuse.

Russians have a tradition of calling all their enemies nazis and fascism. It goes back to WW2.

He is not. Russians have been trained to accept “bashing the fash” as a justification since the end of World War II aka The Great Patriotic War where the Soviet Union defeated the Nazis, who are basically Satan.

you know, I fell into the Any Forums hole back in 2015, but I quickly got out of it when I started watching breadtube. vaush might have saved my life, I was in real danger of joining a neonazi group in my area.

Achievable natty?

This guy's wider standing up than he is laying down

That would be the soviets.
Look I'm sure it's partly sincere but the primary reason for invasion is the teal security threat from nato, and this is an American style justification layered on top. Putin is clearly a pragmatist.

Couldn't you have just become normal? Did you have to zip between anti social retard political poles?

>pol hole
user, I think the answer here is you're really just retarded. You likely form most of your worldview on the whims of whatever "content" you happen to be consuming at any given moment. Sad! Many such cases!

>That would be the soviets.
That would also be the Russian Federation. They didn’t stop just because the USSR stopped existing.

hedonistic satanic nihilist

>hello fellow whites
Yes but don't go too far just stay healthy and balanced

He cannot.

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unironically have sex user, this is completely pathetic.

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You have just exchanged one form of extremism for another.

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AGPs can't do makeup for shit.
Absolutely embarrassing

I think she looks pretty. But yea maybe that lipstick could do with some work.

Let's hope you grow out of breadtube too then, user.
Both sides are fallacious and have a ton of skeletons in their closet (like Vaush's obsession child porn/age of consent) - don't be some milquetoast pseud cause you took Any Forums or breadtubers' opinions as wise