All it takes is one silly trend on social media for tens of thousands of young women with their stupid sheep brains to...

>All it takes is one silly trend on social media for tens of thousands of young women with their stupid sheep brains to willing to throw away their dignity
Why hasn't Hollywood caught onto this method of manipulating females?

Attached: 1646133753714.webm (404x720, 2.82M)

Why does every teen girl have such big asses now

When I was in high school, everyone had flat asses

Hollywood knows the truth about women and minorities, but Blackrock and chosen people won't let the filmmakers expose it

Women don't have dignity to throw away. This is their natural state.

Fucking hell I hate getting older


caloric surplus from sedentary always-online lifestyle + no disincentive to have a fat ass because of nigger culture

woke af

because its the norm now. not that hard to figure out. media and fashion dictate whats in style. it sucks because back in my day all girls were skinny. zoomers have it good. theres big fat fucking asses everywhere these days. even on clearly underaged girls but i still look idgaf. if she's over 16 i'm staring at her shitter, even infront the parents or not. dress better if you dont want to be stared at

...those girls all look like they're in their 20s

They crave BBC

we should consider ourselves lucky. 20 years ago they werent this willing to throw it away. pussy is easier than ever.

>Why does every teen girl have such big asses now
I personally believe it's because of all the estrogen in our water supply in addition to sugar heavy foods. E turns all that sugar into fat which goes right to the ass on women

Attached: 1646133498944.webm (404x720, 2.95M)

I love women.

Hi chang

if you let your kid have a smart phone before 16 you're just a shit parent.

>complaining about free fap material
You guys are fucking faggots. 15 years ago everyone here would have killed for this kind of content.

Injections. They offer it in every shitty small town

Attached: insta ass.webm (640x640, 1.37M)

It's the same boring side ass shot every time. They need to get more creative and more lewd, maybe start an onlyfans that I can pirate

pipes was the only hebe that was able to pull this off and not get her account banned
thank god for likee though

Attached: piper mid tier hebe rockelle.webm (404x720, 911.42K)

western parents are raising their toddlers with ipads. they are doomed from the start

It's also the hormonal birth control a lot of these girls are taking from the age of 14 onward.

They don't, those girls are wearing a special type of underwear that lifts their buttocks to make them look larger.

Attached: butt-lifting-panties-angel-curves-1jpg_600x.jpg (550x550, 36.28K)



nature correcting course for all the millennial roasties that waited until their 30s to settle down. gen a girls are pretty much 16 year olds already
also birth control in the water

Attached: amit she is 11 years old.jpg (532x1295, 253.92K)


If you actually go on tik tok most of the people doing these trends are just making fun of it. Yes they all do the same joke and it's completely brainless but their aren't as many whores as it seems.

>women have only discovered assless chaps in 2022

>All it takes is one silly trend on social media for tens of thousands of young women with their stupid sheep brains to willing to throw away their dignity
I hate this. I know they have zero self-awareness, but it's making them into just disposable clones. I have trouble even seeing them as sentient beings anymore. It scares me because I have daughters and they have personalities and are they just going to one day completely delete their minds and turn into this?

bro chill

Attached: 78978.jpg (720x888, 153.19K)

every girl wears yoga pants or leggings. you'd be able to see those clearly, you can already see the type of panties they wear plus the color of it aswell. you're just outting yourself as a shut in that doesn't leave his house.

Can never be refuted, and only requires you to think about it logically


Attached: angelpoli-bf8589bcc5e380cc9b31e45cbd5fa721220fa61cc59d5dd6c50c46254a5418af.webm (404x720, 1.43M)

is that why I have such big breasts? it fucking sucks bros

what you can't handle a little cunny?

I'm fascinated by the anons who troll tiktok etc. for hours and hours to cherrypick the handful of videos validating their "why do x do y now?" premises

If you did squats and used leggings in between your ass cheeks your bum would look big aswell.

Attached: Angelina Polikarpova -6efa196d4b7152d56cdb851377c5bf89f6f75965740d2bc367aa9b6d086bd364.webm (576x1024, 1.65M)

I'm just saving you a ban, jannies will ban you

Reminder that all cunnyposters are poorly disguised feds