“Batman is a billionaire aristocrat that beats up poor people” - Garth Ennis

“Batman is a billionaire aristocrat that beats up poor people” - Garth Ennis


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Brother can you spare a dime?
*punches dude in the face*

After writing comics as braindead as The Boys and Crossed, does Garth Ennis even have the right to criticize other stuff?

You guys got the popcorn vessel, right?

Attached: BatmanPopcornVessal.jpg (1920x1080, 942.55K)

This retarded take bothers me to no end. Batman goes after organized crime and super villains. He doesn't hunt down Tyrone for stealing a tv

He usually beats the shit out of low-level goons and lets the rich crime lord get away. He started because of a mugging. It's more complex than the post-hoc narrative, but the best way to be safe as a criminal around Batman is to be rich while being so.

>He doesn't hunt down Tyrone for stealing a tv
wtf I hate batman now

Crossed was brain dead but the boys was good fuck off

criminals aren't poor people.

I was in that original thread. Many jerks were had

Source: my asshole

>Batman goes after organized crime and super villain
Batman plays cat and mouse with other costumed hunks. He's a faggot and he beats up lowly thugs on the regular.

This has been the low iq leftist take for decades:
"Batman's wealth causes the crimes he tries to stop"
Leftists hate poor people and think they are criminals.

Someone should ask Garth about his problematic Punisher comics where every black is basically Tyrone or those The Boys comics where le main character uses le homophobic language.
Wonder if he'd apologize like a bitch?

He started because of a double murder.

hey at least he didn't kill him

>the best way to be safe as a criminal around Batman is to be rich while being so

Yeah like the Penguin, Falcone, Maroni, the Court of Owls, Ra’s al Ghul, Lex Luthor etc.

>defending criminals

I doubt Garth gives two fucks about anyone thinks

Defending an unsanctionated vigilante committing assault on “criminals”