Why can British actors do American accents well but American actors can't do British accents to save their lives?

Why can British actors do American accents well but American actors can't do British accents to save their lives?

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never seen spinal tap you limey cunt with bad dentistry?

It's easier to get smart people to sound like idiots than to get idiots to sound smart.

Even the best have their tells. Hugh Laurie gave it away any time he said "happiness".



American actors are fine at doing an RP accent (John Lithgow was great as Churchill in The Crown), but they can't do any other kind of British accent very well.
To be fair most Brits can't do other British accents very well.

>sound smart
Don't google Tom Holland's real voice.

More exposed to American media than Americans are to British.

Attached: Englishman Christian Bale.webm (959x720, 1.35M)

Americans are less critical of British actors than the British are of American actors

you've got that backwards

the only British actors who can do American accents well are Michael Caine and Gary Oldman

>John Lithgow was great as Churchill in The Crown)

Probably the best Churchill I've seen. Better than Gary Oldman.

>13 years of Shakespeare acting school and theatre
>The casting couch

England is a small island with many distinct accents while United States are basically a full continent with thousands of different accents so its easier to pull of just an American one. If they try to do a distinct American accent like New Jersey or Baltimore it becomes very apparent. If Idris Elba actually tried a black Baltimore accent on the wire instead of generic american, he'd sound like a moron.

Bale's British and he can barely do a British accent. His normal voice is so fucking odd and unplaceable.

English actors go to acting school. American actors go to acting.

He's Welsh, it's a strange derivative

Bale, Oldman and Hunnam are the trifectas of fucked up accents from overexposure.

Christopher Eccleston does a perfect American accent. It's impeccable.

Best British accent in cinema. Peer kino.

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He says he identifies as English despite being born in Wales - to English parents.

I’m from Quebec, we watched many films from France in school, we didn’t develop any French accent.

I don't know his Midlands accent was alright in Ford vs. Ferrari.

Are you serious? Brits can't do American accents
They can do the generic newscaster accent but that's it
Hugh Laurie's House accent was probably the best I've heard because he sounded like an American instead of trying to sound American

that greats but thats not what he said you dumb esl nigger

>United States are basically a full continent
does American education really?

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