This is political decadence more than anything else. Coming exactly 100 years after F. W...

>This is political decadence more than anything else. Coming exactly 100 years after F. W. Murnau’s still-disturbing Nosferatu, The Batman doesn’t earn being called artistic decadence. Its depiction of social horror isn’t fully imagined; it never gets to the core of spiritual repulsion that Murnau touched. The mythology of good and evil, so important for Murnau and Snyder, has no resonance for Reeves. One is merely offended by Reeves’s obvious political allegories that are too vague and trite to take seriously. Given the moody photography and action set-pieces staged at J. J. Abrams’s level, The Batman hits no deeper than Dick Tracy and his cartoon foes as conceived by a depressive.

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based as always

based (as always)

How can a gay nigger be as based as he is? Doesn't make any sense.

You are a fucking retard. That's why.

To complement what said, you seem unable to rationalize your limited worldview to actual reality.

I know you are but what am I?

Gays and niggers have both been shown to be less capable of systematising. This is empirical reality. Armond is an outlier so the other anons exclaimation of awe are well founded. Faggottttttt.

I agreed with everything except Dick Tracy that movie is kino

Tbf the white male conspiracy theorist was right about evrrything tho
Reeves wanted to be subversive and put his politics on the chopping block for thag effect, at least there

>disney is the new plantation and self-proclaimed nerds are happily picking the cotton
that line is fucking gold

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Didn't ask. Catwoman is still a mutt. Not watching.

You think your post makes sense but it dont lol

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The King of Any Forums?
I literally kneel

please armond dont hurt em


>disney is the new plantation and self-proclaimed nerds are happily picking the cotton

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>Take a shot every time Armond says nihilism in a review

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Break the social conditioning. Reacquaint yourself with the morals you were familiar with as a child. Being a destructive anarchistic adult does you no favors and is simply what's in vogue from malicious moral "superiors". Don't fucking fall for that shit. Armond is based and this new Batman movie is junk, morally void garbage. This movie and the morally "superior" anarchy mindset are spiritually intertwined.

Gay niggers but not based

I just KNOW he posts here


Nah he is wrong. Fuck this faggot

seething nigger

Uncle Phil reviews movies now?

What a brutal thing to say about a movie Jesus. Even if he's some fucking nobody, if I made a movie and that was an accurate description by some random dude I'd probably kill myself.