Jesus christ, can you imagine being discriminated socially and in dating, just because of your height?

Jesus christ, can you imagine being discriminated socially and in dating, just because of your height?
Women have it so hard...

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I liked it because she ends up dating a manlet at the end

I mean imagine
Someone refusing to date you!!

M*n are fucking pigs

Attached: tall-girl-poster.jpg (1600x2370, 403.88K)

The reason people don't date tall women is all on the tall women
1) they are horrible people
2) tall women want to find a magical unicorn man who is even taller than they are (stupid whores)
3) nearly all tall women look deformed but act like they are hot

I have no synpathy. I'm a 5'3'' male and I've been abused, spat on, called the M-word my whole fucking life. But you know what I did? I got hard. Hit the gym and lifted the metal weights, I earned black belts in both MMA and Capoeria. Any lanky bastard tries to fuck with me now, he's going down. HARD

Lol, you know you're an archetypical shorty angry man right? Manlet. You are a Manlet. Wish I could say it to your face

If you called me that to my face you would severly regret it.
Yeah, you'd be "six foot" all right... SIX FOOT UNDER, ASSHOLE

A man can be tortured to death and get zero sympathy
A woman can break her nail and have the entire world crying for her

Welcome to society

Dude, c'mon, you're 5'3. There's a reason why they make weight divisions in martial arts. Even a fat guy who's 6'8 could knock you out with one punch. You wouldn't be able to even reach his neck for a choke out. It would just be embarrassing

6'8''. easy. I've taken down taller targets. I would simply use a capoeria move to knock him to the ground and then enage a flurry of MMA martial arts moves on him.


I'd imagine you'd look as stupid as backflipping Yoda in the prequels kek

My mom has a friend who is a 6'2" woman. She refuses to date anyone who is shorter than her in heels. Every now and then she will lower her standards and start dating a guy who is her height or shorter, but inevitably ends it because she feels self-conscious. She has just turned 50 and is childless

Bottom text

there's plenty of hot tall women but 1 and 2 are absolutely true. I'm 6'2" and my first girlfriend was 6 foot and she would never shut up about "short" I was cos her last boyfriend was a 6'8" freak of nature. No more than irritating to me (she was pretty irritating in general) but her attitude is pretty much the default. I'd have no issues dating someone taller than me. I do love me some petite women though.

real fights aren't like that. manlets have an advantage in a fight without rules. unless youre using actual weapons.

Guys, I got this movie idea, right? So there's this girl, are you with me so far? So this girl, right, she SEEMS like an ordinary high school girl, but, and get this, there's a twist, okay? So pay attention. Ordinary, high school girl, BUT, twist, she's TALL. Like, people are always saying shit to her like, "how's the air up there?" and "is death by snu snu on the table, do you think?" For title? We'll call it, are you ready? Tall Girl. Get it, because she's a girl, and she's tall. It's very nuanced and deep. Call the Academy, because I think we've got a serious Best Picture contender here.

i got this new movie plot. basically there's this high school girl except she's really tall. i mean seriously lanky. a real set of feet and incherinos. she packs some serious altitudinousness. massive lankydankybeanstalkerina. big old gigantihugemongocity.

what happens next?

transfer student girl shows up one day who's even more massively hugely tallawalladingdong. humungously tallhallavalkyrievixenlyvertical.

So let me guess the plot is all about how she has trouble dating because she's tall while having a line of guys ready to eat her shit if she'd let them?

The sad thing is there's loads of guys like you out there and the only thing all that shit screams is "look at me I'm insecure about my height"

t. fellow manlet

It's definitely all the guys' fault for being too short.