OH N---

OH N---

Attached: Tommy-Wiseau-and-James-Franco-at-the-Golden-Globes-NBC-image-1.jpg (1400x700, 104.14K)

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tommy was about to get the awards show pulled off the air. we got robbed

Complete asshole move by Franco, Wiseau was the reason he won in the first place, he could have let him say something

look at the text on franco's phone, he need to say all that with the 30 seconds allowed, no time for the rambling of crazy wiseau


He deserved to be cancelled for this
What? rape? Abusing students? Don't give a shit

>nooo dont expose me as a pedo

glad this kike got cancelled

>Jew makes profit off of innocent Goy's storytelling
>refuses to allow Goy into the limelight
many such cases

Hes not why you won. It was francos idea and it was risky af. The way you think is why we have socialists.

Yeah, ruin your reputation by letting the schizo freak talk to the whole world.

Franco, you slimy Christian.

Tommy is king

Wiseau would have never stopped talking and we all know this. Which is why it's funny in the first place

I love how this statement could describe an entirely different Franco.


Attached: livinginashotgunshack.png (800x549, 301.67K)

should've punched him right then and there, literally no one would mind

The Disaster Artist is one of the most disappointing and insulting adaptations of a memoir I have ever seen, and you know my opinion is 100% objective fact.

No one cared about Franco's gay little speech he read from his phone, everybody wanted to hear from Tommy

>the story of making The Room could have been a The Social Network-tier movie
>would have been a hilarious but touching piece of irony if it was on that level and got Oscar/other Award noms for being a great movie period
>forgettable, unfunny wink-at-audience shit cause it was made by a pack of unfunny faggots who only used it as a vehicle to have fun like they're frat boys

>it was risky af

Don't forget how the end of the movie says they still have no idea how old Tommy is, where he came from, and where he made his money, despite all of that literally being explained in the book.