See a corporation create a character making empty platitudes about change and restoring faith

>see a corporation create a character making empty platitudes about change and restoring faith
>they even put these hollow phrases in the mouth of a black woman to show how sincere it must be
>be leftwing and cringe at this
libs will lap it up and Any Forumsacks will screech about great replacement and woke
both will be unable to see it is just a corporation trying to market itself to consumers

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>a corporation trying to market itself to consumers
This doesn't contradict the idea of demographic replacement. The reason they're doing this en masse is because they see that the white demographic is shrinking so they're pivoting to heavily invest in the future (non whites) at the expense of the white population who are currently too entrenched in the system they created to really push back against it in any way.
Every single thing about current racial politics comes from the fact that nonwhites know that they are on the upswing and whites are becoming a minority. BLM and similar stuff are just racial victory dances and displays of power.

I enjoy hurting local black kids in various creative ways.

yummy hot yummy little bitch

Its just meaningless words, like Pepsi: the taste of a new generation.
They see consumers respond to X, they try to appeal to them saying they're for X.

Wrong way round. These institutions are the ones that make the consumers respond to X.
Anti-white politics and idpol terms are used by the general public after their use by news companies, not before.

>corporations want diversity and progressive change to politics and promote it to the public

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Its sad that Latinos won't even take over the country, id say they'll still be the third race even when negros are in control, its fucking nuts, but understandable, Kikes have never pandered to them, everytime a Latino is about to make it big in anglo media its career gets killed. Ritchie Valens, Selena, Guillermo Del Toro, you name it. Latinos will only ever be juggernauts in their own sphere, they will never have the protection and shilling of the kikes, hence, we will always be below everyone.

>other minorities get ahead because of a jewish conspiracy
also Del Toro does fine what are you talking about


Yeah because investment funds on wall street are making it financially difficult for them when they dont. NASDAQ is looking at delisting companies that have too many whites on the board for example.

That’s one reason, yeah. The worst reason is because Whites are the only resistance to global government.

>also Del Toro does fine what are you talking about
Making indie shit, they kicked him out from The Hobbit for literally no reason.

The movie depicts her as unable to respond to crisis without white cops, firefighters and especially billionaires helping her
when the stadium floods she is trying to get the crowds attention and completely failing, the next time we see her after being shot she's being carried behind batman when he leads the survivors with his flare
the epilogue has batman saying crime will only get worse in the city
she's barely a character and exists only to be a target for the Riddler and a damsel in distress for batman, her campaign posters exclusively appear on the most dilapidated buildings to show her empty words of change
When she encounters Bruce at the funeral she threatens him with taxes and complains he doesn't do enough philanthropy, then is utterly humbled by Batman and assumes a subservient position, acknowledging the muscled white billionaire as the rightful leader of Gotham

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All your information is coming from the top down through 6 conglomerates.

>both will be unable to see it is just a corporation

Most people with a brain see right through it. Lefties of the sjw brand have been made into little corporate foot soldiers while conservatives just sit there and yell while ceding an inch of land every so often. It is what it is.

thats subtext is Batman needs to engage with her and her appeals to Bruce Wayne donating money

>everyone but me is stupid

in the near future, when whites are really going to be a full minority, latinos will be considered as fully white. the thing about the white race is that you can make anyone white in america (except blacks) if you control the narrative. there's already a "white latinos" in us census which makes no fucking sense but remember, it's america. nothing makes sense here.

>he says they're lying to try to appeal to consumers
>so he must get his information from the corporations he calls liars
>Lefties of the sjw brand have been made into little corporate foot soldiers
If you refer to people doing shit like bank and defense contractor floats at Pride parades, those are liberals not lefties.
Cons always confuse them.


Honestly she was such a blank stereotypical politician that I thought the clues about real change were meant to implicate she was up to something too. But then nah.