Hey user, go check out [X]. It's a great movie"

>Hey user, go check out [X]. It's a great movie"
>It's not

Attached: 1527818024505.png (1039x559, 260.99K)

>hey user big fish sucked. That movie is bad
>watch it
>its good

>taking the opinions of people here seriously

Name at least four

All of my friends watch marvel shit, whatever is on Disney plus. Superheroes or whatever is generating a significant amount of buzz. They only watch entry level anime, and listen to nigger music. I'm surprised they share my taste in video games instead of just playing Madden and forza


yes on this planet

>check out son of the mask,it’s awful
>it’s actually the greatest film ever made

Attached: ID’d gif.gif (492x492, 1.97M)

Your gif doesn't loop and it's pissing me off

I'll start: Mope (2016)

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>”Hey user, dont fuck bussy, its a not the same as the vagina”
>it is

>get Any Forums friends who only watch kino and arthouse films
>they are autistic
>hard to get them to hang out
>a few of them troon out
>get normaloid friends
>only watch capeshit and whatever youtube tells them to watch
>hanging out with them is fun
>can actually engage in conversation with them
>may even help you get laid

If you need help getting laid you won't get laid

I met all the girls I fucked through my normaloid friends

Learn the right nomenclature, dumb newfag

>"Don't watch that movie, it's reddit"
>Watch it anyway
>It's kino

Every single time.

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>watch reddit shit
>love it
guess you know where to go

Yep this is how it works in the real world. I've got zero friends and am forever alone though, so sex appears to be out of my reach

Ironic way to expose yourself as a newfag.

Who are you quoting, newfag?

>hey user, i know this really funny youtube video, let's watch it right here together!
>*4 minutes of normie humor*
>wasn't that hilarious?

Attached: bombs-internally.jpg (350x351, 22.57K)

I blocked some fag who added me on steam from here for talking about nothing but drive and how he identified with the main character. Didn’t even finish watching it.

Oh I realize my mistake, sorry user.