This desperately wants to be The Dark Knight, but it's just not very good

This desperately wants to be The Dark Knight, but it's just not very good.

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It started off so kino. 35 minutes of just Batman going from clue to clue, solving the mystery... Then he has dialogue with Catwoman and everything stalls out.

Listening to Zoe talk, in role or out, generally has that effect.

The Dark Knight actually had hype tho, Batman has zero hype and is a confirmed flop. Couldn't even beat Shang Chi at the box office. Sad!
I guess DC truly is dead. Bury it.

You fucking mongoloid, it isn't even officially out yet.
All of it is kino. Best Batman of all time. Great characters, impeccable story, etc. Fantastic.

>"All of it is kino. Best Batman of all time. Great characters, impeccable story, etc. Fantastic."
Sure, Matt, whatever you say.

>All of it is kino. Best Batman of all time. Great characters, impeccable story, etc. Fantastic.
Make sure they pay you when they put this on the blu ray back panel.

Critics and audiences agree it's excellent and that you are a fag.

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Roundhead Reeves has been invading every Batman thread.

Looks like it's over for OP. Back to the Snyderverse, Rajath.

Uh oh, someone is coping
Cope harder

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Why does your post sound like a TV spot's narration for the first half. It's fucking uncanny.

you probably don't want to hear this, but the dark Knight is a bit overrated.



What am I supposedly coping over?

Why do you shit in the street? It's fucking smelly.

the dark knight wasn't a very high bar to clear

both are shit but this won’t have even a quarter of the cultural impact the dark knight had

I'm not Indian or a gypsy.

Yet you still shit in the street? Disgusting.

Prove it. Post hands

>shit-covered fingers typed this post

what is even about? what's the plot?

I don't watch movies. I just want this to fail because Snyder is my god.

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This post screams underage.

This post screams Indian village boy.