Why is satanic worshipping always so sexy in movies?

Why is satanic worshipping always so sexy in movies?

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Because sex is unironically evil. It makes men mad and completely controls society for the worse.

Because lust is a sin, so the better at it you are the more sinful you are

that's the laziest pentagram i've seen, and I've visited tons of abandoned buildings

*Sex for lust

forgot to mention I'm a woman too btw

Are you also goth
Cause if youre not thats just cringe
Also tits or gtfo

>visiting abandoned buildings
hun, babe, sweetie, girlfriend, sister...you trying to get raped and murdered by schizophrenic squatters or something? not a good habit...

well not really a woman haha i'm trans not sure if that matters just thought i'd mention it


Sex for procreation is the most evil sex of all. It makes more humans.

Cause slaves being raped during ritual torture and sacrificing fluffy animals wouldnt sell well

also I'm black and I voted for trump not sure if that matters just thought i'd mention it

Can the abandoned building visiting black maga tranny please shut up?

Are you also muslim and own a brewery and your favorite food is bacon?

Go to /x/

Basically a lot of occultism recognize sex as a very powerful force, and even mainstream gurus like Osho

i wish i was a goth tranny

Also I'm certified airplane pilot and the bass guitarist for pussy riot too btw

>cults have sex
who wouldda thunk it

Its not exactly the same thing

*hits pipe*

Evil is sexy, but good is still sexier to me. No hotness compares to a good, innocent church girl getting all hot and bothered.

Because Hollywood worships Satan.

based. hail satan, death to the demiurge.