Is that new HBO Max pirate comedy Our Flag Means Death any good? The first few episodes came out today

Is that new HBO Max pirate comedy Our Flag Means Death any good? The first few episodes came out today.

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i thought she was bathing in urine from the thumbnail. this thread sucks

Do you guys think she is as slutty as her character
I like to think so
At least she would be honest about being a slut unlike all the english ones who pretend to be pure despite being nigger loving whores

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I want to cum on her stupid hat and throw coins at her

She's a coomer, not a slut.

Nah, I think she would shrink away if a guy was actually aggressive with her. I want to see her watch Master & Commander.

you need a jewish wife

japanese women are coomers precisely because they're not sluts, they can't get sex. it's the same with western men

I hate these vtuber whores so much
Literally, an entire business to manipulate retarded and lonely young men and take their money

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nakadashi senchou
thanks yagoo for firing rushia

There are men humping the air and giving money to ghosts

I agree with you, even if you are a fr*gposter.

close one

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Dude, they're busking entertainers. They're streamers like we've always had, just puppeteering an anime girl as a proxy as a layer against doxxing themselves. They say funny thing, they say le funny N-word, play videogames, chat, perform music, etc., whatever, all for free. Then people who feel like it can decide to toss a tip on their jar of their own volition. Or not. You're taking shit WAY to seriously.

Can't say I'm surprised that misanthropic Any Forums incels are finding something to whinge and complain about; it's a new, fun and even somewhat innovative trend that isn't YET overrun by soulless corporate interests, pozzed SJW ideology, attention-whoring or ulterior motives other than having fun and being entertaining. Naturally that, along with the fact that people are enjoying it, means it's the worst thing ever and needs to be stopped, obviously.

>overrun by soulless corporate interests
you serious?

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>everybody makes fun of her for supposedly actually being 27-years-old, which makes her "old"
Heh heh, yeah.... 27 is old. You've practically got one foot in the grave by then. And God forbid if you're OLDER than 27, amirite guys?... Ha...

you can smell the neckbeard behind this post

excellent bait

Wait, wouldn't the neckbeards be the ones who see people having fun with a harmless new trend and respond by going "NO, STOP, STOP HAVING FUN, YOU ARE BEING MANIPULATED BY WHORES, REEEEE, STOP HAVING FUN YOU LOSERS"?

Yes you are being manipulated by modern-day pimps who use cute anime avatars to sell their whores to you

And what whores!

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