So what caused the world to end in this? Nukes?

So what caused the world to end in this? Nukes?

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The book is trash. Punctuation marks exist for a reason. Anyone who praises it is a pseud.

Agreed, and I'll raise you the rest of McCarthy's ouevre.

Ok but why should your opinion matter to me. McCarthy is generally quite highly regarded and i've liked both works of his I read. Why should your issue with run on sentences change that?

It isn't specified. Just that there was a bright light. It doesn't matter how the world ended but that the world is dying.


I sulant not why you makurt this anyway.
I also invent words like that retarded McCarthy.

Fuck the kid actor. Weird looking bitch

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Asteroid impact or comet they were not radioactive areas or any indication of fallout. The father died of a lung issue over years, which leads me to believe dust and gas burning over years as well over the entire planet3.


The whole point of the film not focusing on it is because it doesn't fucking matter and yet we still get retards constantly creating these dumb ass threads that go no where but round in circles.
You wont ever know because thats the way the film and book were made. An apocalypse has happened and its within that that the story takes place.

That's really not the point.

The real answer is we are living in the post-apocalypse, a spiritual wasteland, and have to carry the flame of spirit through the apparent desert.

Yellowstone Eruption.

A little someone who's name starts with H died...
It's Harambe. What are you guys thinking?

It would have had to been an asteroid impact that threw up a ton of debris and blocked out the sun. That’s the most realistic cause for the film's setting. I don't think even a super volcanic eruption could cause the level of destruction that is shown in the film.



He doesn't invent words at all. The punctuation thing I agree, but he does not invent words

I’ll admit it. I’d rather be one of the cannibal rapists than the noble starving people.

>went on to star in Kino of the Dog and had an acclaimed performance
Bet that rankled you a bit seeing his alien looking self go onto such greatness, eh

Did the family the kid gets rescued by at the end exist? I thought it was a hallucination or something because I didn't see how a full family with a dog could still be alive in this world but all the reddit and stackexchange threads I read said they were real.

Another pleb, filtered