This nigga is my hero

This nigga is my hero

Attached: mccandless-580.jpg (580x388, 45.67K)

Nice teeth for a guy about to die an easily preventable death.

who's that? your boyfriend? dont care fag

your hero is an idiot

He doesn't look black to me. Care to explain why you called him a "nigga"?

i bet even when he was sick and poisoned and dying he still masturbated

rip brian laundry.

because OP is a racist who wants to put all black men down

Alexander Supertard

I don't think there's a better example of being based and cringe at the same time.

A family that loves me that wants to buy me a new car!! help I'm going insane!

I'm sorry but you are retarded. Nobody is going to fall for your LE EBIC SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE bullshit and go out into the wild to die alone so (you) don't have plus one uppity piggu to keep penned in.

Alexander Skarsgaard?

Attached: meekus.jpg (2000x1104, 107.29K)

Obviously. You would to.
It's like the guy that got his arm stuck in a rock.

stone cold steve austin?

You can be well off and still be aware that modern life is fake and meaningless.

It's only fake and meaningless because nobody loves you and you don't love anyone

That’s the message of his story though, right? “Happiness is only real when shared.”

fpbp as usual
mccandless was a suicidal faggot who went up north to die
alaskans hate him and all his stupid fans who come up after reading the book or watching the movie

>nobody loves you and you don't love anyone
that describes a hell of a lot of people nowadays

he looks like one of those mummies they find in ice