

Attached: 873290E3-206F-41D5-90B5-9332275A1F4C.jpg (1320x1852, 418.12K)

"instantly horrifying" yeah fuck off hoe. you'd fuck him.


Based Pattinson, literally one of us

Based sigmamale dabbing on the roastie

based battinson

>make women uncomfortable

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She's disgusted by that but he didn't even tell her the third option of underage sassy asian

Reminder to literally N E V E R share your true self with roasties.
It's a shit-test. No matter what she can conscievably say, do or claim to convince you, no matter what her relationship with you is, never fucking do it. They instantly lose all respect and interest in you, on so many different layers/levels of coscious and uncoscious it's irrational. It's in their DNA; their useless mouth and damaged brains can blabber
and moralize all they want, truth is their genes are wired to reject men who they deem as emotionally compromised.

The only woman that should ever know what troubles you, is your own mother.
You'll thank me later.

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>Matt McMuscles
>Is actually obese washed-up loser

>matt mcmuscles
Really dude

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Very well said user. Even your mom, give her some respite from your problems most the time. She’s worried about you enough as is.

Nahh,, you've failed if you mask your true self in front of someone. Anybody loses respect for you if you compromise who you really are inside. If who you really are lacks confidence, strength, excitement, anything positive quality you can think of,, build it upon your vision as a foundation.

Your muscles are not a betrayals of who you really are,, they are saplings to be nourished to a forest

Plus i knew sooo many girls in college with nerdy ass, petite, skinny-fat anime kid boyfriends who'd suck their dicks while they played video games. Some girls just really want your approval and attention. Something they may complain about on the surface,, may indeed be jealousy brewing

Talking about which cartoons you want to have sex with isn't emotions

>Matt tagging in women
Truly the worst best friend

When have women ever said this? They very blatantly despise men who show any emotions besides anger. They simply want a high status man-object because they want a second father rather than a partner.


Apparently the woman is comic porn artist so what the fuck is her problem?

>in love with Aeris
>and Tifa

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Yuffiebros how the fuck do we recover from this?!

Women often add "sensitive" on their wishlist for the perfect man. They want a man capable of empathy, of being able to infer the woman's emotions even though she doesn't say them out loud. For example, "I'm fine" pretty much never means she's actually fine. They also want men to say how they feel, because men typically bottle up their emotions.

They say it but they don't mean it.

This. Never fall for the female shittest.

yeah it is

>They also want men to say how they feel, because men typically bottle up their emotions
That's the trap, user. Never do this.

Women are literally the biggest hypocrites of all time

>Aerith AND Tifa
opinion discarded

Attached: tifa.jpg (1500x1500, 154.59K)

jesus christ women are going to be in for a rude awakening when shit hits the fan and they learn what men really think of their kind

>Aeris OR Tifa
pleb taste

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learn how to fucking write

>confidence comes from not betraying yourself
>yourself has no confidence
Dumb logic. Everyone changes to meet societal expectations to a point. It's part of the social order. A give and take situation.

i can't stand looking at their faces. they have that unnaturally sharp chin that korean girls have when they shave their jaws.

>Pattison then explained how Aeris is sometimes spelled Aerith, depending on the translation or the version of the game. (In 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake, it’s “Aerith.”) He then detailed why his heart was torn between Aeris and Tifa, saying that Aeris is “the really kind girl who has superpowers and can heal everyone and make the world a better place,” while describing Tifa as “this sexy little thing … a thief in this short skirt.”

>Pattinson wrapped up by spoiling Final Fantasy VII’s legendary twist, which happened 25 years ago so we don’t need to put a spoiler warning. “Aeris, right at her peak, gets killed! This is how every guy figures out what love is,” he said.

>“This is crazy,” Kravitz said, laughing. “The one that’s gonna heal everything or the one in the short skirt? These are the options? Oh, my god, this is the problem with the world!”

why are women so cruel?

Anyone getting mad at OP's image probably is or was that guy.

>Matt is an eternal Twitter simp
>Woolie constantly lives out his oppression fantasies
>Liam apologizes to trannies for deadnaming them in his dreams
>Pat will die in five years tops