You have 1 cigar and unlimited bourbon

You have 1 cigar and unlimited bourbon.

What kino do you watch?

Attached: how-to-smoke-a-cigar-gp-08659[1].jpg (2000x1333, 168.33K)

ill turn on a movie that uses "real time" and smoke the whole stick and start chugging the bourbon. and try to see how long i can make it before i'm absolutely shitfaced

14 Fists of McCklusky

>I saw my surrogate daddy sam hyde smoke a cigar so now I'm gonna do it too!!!

how bout unlimited cognac instead? anyway, its the Godfather Saga for me. for the uninitiated, thats Part I and II edited together sequentially with over 25+ fully restored deleted scenes

or maybe the assassination of jesse james.


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tobacco and alcohol make me sick

fucking based

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Brady Bunch season 5 for me

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Throw both in the trash and edge for 8 hours to hentai .

A war movie.

Apocalypse Now
Band of Brothers
Thin Red Line

you drink scotch, not bourbon you idiot.

I drink both but I have bourbon

triumph of the will
leon the professional
blade runner 2049

let me find a place named Scotchland, it appears it doesn't exist anymore, let me see Scotland... hmm, looks like another lame Br***sh colony, nope, no subject of The Crown, Bourbon it is.


>You have 1 cigar
some home invasion kino

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>or maybe the assassination of jesse james.
How is this one? I'm interested but wary of post-90s westerns

im a certified kino master and its both one of my favorite moves and an actually great movie. definitely worthy of a cigar and brandy/bourbon viewing. certainly the best modern western by far, one of the top movies of this century.

I will watch
>Kung Fu Hustle
>New Kids Turbo
>New Kids Nitro

Fort Apache, Cheyenne Autumn, or any other cavalry/indian kino

Attached: no tobacco.webm (800x380, 2.69M)

I watched it for the first time yesterday. Absolutely kino, although I do think the film peaked in the first 1/3 with Clint and van Cleef's intros and their cat and mouse game, etc. I burst out laughing when van Cleef is surveying El Paso through his telescope and found Clint spying on him.

Jeremiah Johnson or the Longest Day or Where Eagles Dare.