Is it just me or does no one give a fuck about him anymore except boomers?

Is it just me or does no one give a fuck about him anymore except boomers?

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his shit holds up in many ways to this day. I had nightmares as a kid after I first saw Psycho. obviously movies are very different now from how they were back then but I've found all of his films to be very watchable, and I'm 25 year old zoomer retard.

People watch whatevers on TV. Do they still put him on TV?

he was even more overrrated than woody allen.

>was sexist
>probably racist
>made good movies
Not surprised they don't talk about him anymore. One of the greatest directors of all time.
Wish they would talk about him more.

he owes his success to looking like winston churchill prove me wrong

absolutely not
you've clearly never seen any of his films outside of the normie-core ones
dudes an all-time great

user he was a masterful filmmaker on the level of orson welles or kubrick

i was just playing he is in my top three of directors for sure

I saw "Vertigo" which was apparently his masterpiece and even the snoozefest of Halloween (1978) was infinitely more complex and suspenseful.

hell yeah bro

I remember he had a small revival when I first came to Internet. Must be because of the IMDB.

Nobody younger than 50 watches actual TV anymore.

>watched vertigo which is supposed to now be the best movie ever made
>it's corny and annoying
>watched rear window
>it's an okay 6/10
yeah this hitchcock guy fucking stinks dudes

he damanded sex from Tippi Hedren

False. He didn’t write his scripts

>on the level of orson welles
I've only seen Citizen Kane, which I believe is mostly famous for "film-school" reasons if that makes sense. It's fine holistically and has a good ending but doesn't even come close to Hitchcock's or Kubrick's best. Are his other films better?
Welles actually starred in several movies with a hitchcock-like plot and every time I thought about how badly I wished it was directed by Hitchcock instead of whoever was in charge.
If the third man was directed by Hitchcock, it would actually be an amazing movie and not just a "look at the lighting and dutch angles" kind of movie.
The Lady from China also would've probably vastly superior under Hitchcock's supervision.

Absolutely based

>corny and annoying
Just how fucking young are you? You are aware this is a website intended for adults, yes?

Ive seen that and birds and psycho and both of the latter are better.

But he doesn't look or sound like Churchill who had his own stardom going own. Churchill left enough photo and recordings for impersonators to work with

>prattles on in filmschool

I just recently watched all his later movies and he kind of lost it towards the end. But that still leaves him with 40-something fantastic movies.