Raised By Wolves

I wake up every morning in fear it's going to be cancelled, it's a good sci fi show so it feels inevitable.

Attached: ems.ZW1zLXByZC1hc3NldHMvdHZzZXJpZXMvUlRUVjczNzY0My53ZWJw.jpg (2025x3000, 1.12M)

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i wanna fuck robo kang

It only exists in 1080p

True, I feel like no one even knows about it. My cousin and I watch it, but my normie brother and his wife who usually watch every single new thing on every streaming service have never even heard of it.

How pozzed is it?

looks like shit bro

I really like it desu

Also the computer was blocking the "Sol" voice that's why they only heard it after it was turned off

I've just started s1 rewatch - saving 2 until it's all out and I can watch it on consecutive days. Reception seems positive so far though.

>If tampons are called sanitary napkins, how unsanitary must regular napkins be?

Attached: nciafz5q8kn51.jpg (1613x907, 89.38K)

Its worth watching for some interesting sci-fi. Its a slow burn though and develops over the first season (I've seen all but the very final episode I think) and there's a 2nd one out soon (or already?). Basically if you like Ridley Scott sci-fi stuff and especially if you are into his "androids must be filled with white liquid , which becomes visible for one reason or another" body horror elements, that maybe enough to carry it. But even if you're not, its still a relatively unique sci-fi take on things and it develops well. Definitely unlike most series plot wise.

It's fun so far but I have a feeling it's going to have a Lost like letdown ending

The atmosphere and art direction was great in s1 too, I got slight 40k vibes from aspects of it but at the same time it feels very much like its own thing without much else it can be compared to - which is pretty damn rare these days

almond/black hole/cat joke was UNDERWHELMING

The children of Humanity are being raised by a pair of androids, one is a black man named "father" the other is a flat-chested white woman with dyke hair named "Mother". Mother has been upgraded into an all powerful war machine who fights BY SCREAMING. The theme of the show is "Fuck white men, fuck religion." It takes the crown as the most pozzed show on television. This series is gayer than fucking Euphoria and OP is wearing a cock cage right fucking now.

On top of that, this is the level of the CGI on this utter garbage.

Attached: 1644075447133.webm (720x360, 2.86M)

its good but also some "lost" syndrome going on

>an all powerful war machine who fights BY SCREAMING

I was gonna watch this until I saw that in trailers. It looks too stupid and unnerving and I can't take the show seriously because of it.

confirmed for not watching the show

Notice how every compliment of the show is vague, low-energy "I-I like it" like you know, a shill would say because they have zero actual enthusiasm for it? How this is yet another show no one actually discusses or talks about? Specific plot points are never named, it's just generic "I like *character*" type comments unlike a show people actually follow where specific scenes and plots are discussed?

imo it's the only instance of that apparent contemporary trope to succeed

I mean most sci fi is "fuck religion". Science and religion dont mix. The only time ive seen religion being put into sci fi is to show how diverse humans are.

>On top of that, this is the level of the CGI on this utter garbage.

It's not the cgi you dumbfuck

It's the vehicle and set design tripping your brain up because you're a low iq moron

Same, and I stay wake at night thinking they may not fix vrille and bring her back.


>Fuck white men, fuck religion.
Watch season 2 and say that again.

literally nothing happens the show

Yeah no shit, I'm not gay like you. youtu.be/9E1YYSZ9qrk?t=45

wdym loli bot fucked the mithraics haaard

I see a lot of "Father is based" despite the fact that they cast a jogger for the role. "But he's not black, user! He's a robot!" He's a baboon.

Rent free

i feel like it's more questions than answers: the show

Yes I am actively being paid by HBO to sit in my bedroom and make threads on Any Forums about it

where can i sign up for this

i was gonna seethe about your normie bro and wife but when i think about it i realized Any Forums's the only place i've heard even mentioning it
same goes for the terror

They don't need to be antagonistic though, they could each other or even work hand in hand, it's not impossible for a sci fi universe to have some spirituality to it
See Dune for example

I mean I could give you a list of instances in science fiction where religion is portrayed positively or in some cases is even central to the plot, but it would be a fairly long list. The situation you described brings to mind a particular scene on Babylon 5, and I have this book I haven't gotten around to reading yet called The God Engines about one god having a pantheon of others enslaved and used to power starships.

Just *try* and defend that sub-PS1 level shit. But no, go on about how cuckoldry is the intellectual fetish as you squee about how much you love a show about a black man and a flat white woman with short hair literally being the mother and father of humanity portraying the EXACT fantasy emphasized as the the epitome of "afro-futurism" where they plainly state they feel the only way they can elevate themselves is to erase all past history and replace white men. You can tip-toe around it any way you fucking like, but that's what this show is. That's what you like. That's the fucked up faggot you are.

>they could each other

>god engine
sounds neat, thanks

Great show but I don't participate in these threads as they are always full of loser low iq anime kids that show up to scream it has a black man and woman that opens face like their meme drawing.