

Attached: elmo.jpg (727x733, 165.59K)

Elmo learns about the n-word pass and gets a trial version to test it out

>the kid is a shade lighter

Elmo gets robbed and shot

>niggers are monsters

teaching kids to hyperfocus on race won't backfire in the future

Oh God. I'm an American...
Please get out of here.
I can't...
I can't stop it!

sesame street is for inner city kids, not white suburbanites

only whites dont see race

It’ll at least make things interesting

I want a sandwich

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Grover also appeared on The Great Reset podcast to sell the concept to children. I wish I were kidding.

Elmo wants to talk about crime statistics.

stop saying 'bruh' before i come to your house and fuck you with a pizza cutter

I like the part where they stomp on Elmo's head after he's already unconscious on the ground.

Didn't Jim Henson intentionally make every Muppets either racially ambiguous or racially fictional to prevent them from being perceived through any ethnic lens, because HE was trying to get children to stop using ethnic lenses entirely?

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Elmo fucks a yip yip

Hes some dead white guy

This is the perfect dumping thread for the Bert and Ernie memes if I wasn't picture blocked

He white

>Sesame Street characters come in every color of the rainbow
>but there's also NIGGERS in this universe, who are ALWAYS black
Is it heaven? Or is it hell?

>If Elmo says it with an A at the end, is that okay?

sorry chud but the whole "see no color" thing is actually racist

I mean look at these motherfuckers, one of em's yellow and the other one's orange.

Are they supposed to be a Chinese guy and an Indian, or what?

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>Right wingers lose their shit over something Sesame Street does, episode 472747

I felt like I was taking crazy pills when I started seeing "Don't be color-blind, be color-brave" and "Equity, Not Equality" posters around

>immediately seethes about right wingers
