Based or cringe?

The debate that divided Any Forums

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I would immolate myself if it meant mommy would get rich off my death. worthless son.

obviously based. fuck women

I have 3 mothers and don't talk to any of them.

It's petty but if his mother is a bitch (sounds like it) then based. Fuck parents who don't support their kids

Mocking the hopes and dreams of your Kid and bullying it is child abuse in my eyes. Destroying the trust to the most trustesd person for the Kid is irrepairable. Fuck the mother

>mommy issues

I don't have mommy issues, but then my parents always supported me

I hate this ugly degenerate

hollywood is trash

>turning the other cheek

Based. He loves to singa more than his momma

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>acting like a fucking spastic instead of doing your homework like a normal person
mom was in the right

For all we know, she urged him to consider a safer path through life and didn't bully him at all.

It's fucking weird how quick people are to take his side of the story, when he's an obvious vengeance fiend.

looks like uno farto is still seething about it lmao

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But he’s worth $100m now. So how was she right?

this is exactly what happened if i remember the story right, she just said he probably wouldn't be able to make a living writing, because 99.99% of people can't
he probably only succeeded because of the liquid spite flowing through his veins ever since then

Quentin Tarantino is the master of cathartic revenge, you'd expect him to have some real trauma under his belt, at least being bullied and dunked in a trash can or something, but not this. It's more confusing than anything.

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I bet it's tied to his foot fetish somehow

Always thought that Tarantino was nothing more than a shock movie maker. Even his best films were okay-ish to me. Either they were "homages" to something from the 60s - 80s or parodies of genres. Also, not a zoomer. I'm in my early 40s.
Tarantino has always come across as a faggot in any interview I've seen.

Single mothers destroy society.

>“She was bitching at me about that,” Tarantino said, “and then, in the middle of her little tirade, she said, ‘Oh and by the way, this little writing career?’ — with the finger quotes — ‘this little writing career that you’re doing? That shit is fucking over!’ She just meant don’t do it in class when you’re supposed to be doing something else.”
>“When she said that to me in that sarcastic way, I was in my head and I go: ‘OK, lady. When I become a successful writer, you will never see one penny from my success. There will be no house for you. There’s no vacation for you; no Elvis Cadillac for mommy. You get nothing because you said that.”
> Podcast host Brian Koppelman, sounding somewhat incredulous, asked, “Did you stick to that?”
>“Yeah, yeah,” Tarantino replied. “I helped her out of a jam with the IRS, but no house! No Cadillac.”
>Koppelman urged Tarantino to buy her a house anyway and pointed out that taunt might have helped fuel his drive to succeed.
>“There are consequences for your words as you deal with your children!” Tarantino shot back. “Remember: There are consequences for your sarcastic tone about what’s meaningful to them.”
Pretty autistic

I don't care about this drama. but tarantino sounds like a fag and there's this thing here...

My parents were huge assholes too, they can get fucked for all I care.
Enjoy dying alone if you cant even be nice to your own child.

He got lucky, as he’s a talentless hack. He could easily have been one if millions who never made it.


My mum said she 'detests' me when i was 13 it 14 and it still haunts me to this day. She died

my dad would always call me a fuckup and idiot. I wont miss him when he dies

Sorry to hear that user. If it makes you feel any better I like to imagine that all parents do that shit to their kids. As we will make similar comments to our future children if we have any.
An example of this is how my mother would tell me constantly as a child that any damages or things I did to her house she would do it to mine as an adult. Looking back, I would draw on the walls, destroy things, and be a mischievous boy.

Your mother will die tonight if you read this. Replying won't help


Nobody gets a free pass to treat you however they like. That includes family.


he has no obligation to, as a mother has no obligation to care of her son until he's an old man. she can legally kick him out of the house

i wouldn't give my mother a dime

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My mom says she hates me all the time, don’t sweat it bro she doesn’t mean it

to take care of*


Some of you have issues. Yeah my mom said and did things she shouldn't have when I was growing up but she's still my mom. You have to forgive family

podcast where quentin tarantino talks about his childhood