Who was the hottest babe on the walking dead I say beth

Who was the hottest babe on the walking dead I say beth

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Maggie by far

That tall junkyard gal

based taste

Maggie is objectively the hottest but I'll go with Enid

Season 4 Maggie specifically. It was the best shape the actress was in since Supernatural and she looked extra cute.

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A gigastacy like her would never touch some flabby gook manlet like Glenn

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Not enough incest fics between beth and Maggie why isn't the twd fandom more into degenerate faggery

THE HEAPSTER!?!? yeah she was working with what she had fosho. The new "crazy" mexican chick is kind of hot too

Someone post that scene from Masters of Sex.

yes,,,, what scene?

In the comic she's pretty blunt about everyone pairing up and pickings being slim at the farm. She's also indifferent that her boyfriend is probably dead, and later fucks this guy years after Glenn dies. Show Maggie's fairy tale love and loyalty is honestly a bit of an artistic liberty.

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It'll ruin any attractiveness she ever had. She has no curves.

risk am willing to take for science.


her loli energy will never be topped, unless by judith grimes

ruined her for me, i like flat skinny girls but something about her tits are really bad and that disgusting mole is an even worse eyesore

lizz, she evolved from a murderous loli into a perfect bimbo slut.

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This. 100% trashfu


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Tara before she got fat.


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