Have you taken the Sheldonpill?

Have you taken the Sheldonpill?

Attached: MV5BZDg3MGNhYjItZGU2Yi00MzU4LWE4NGUtYjA2OTVjNGUyMjE4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjg4NzAyOTA@._V1_.jpg (960x1440, 230.87K)

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I took the Missypill.

I don't think im ready for that level of redpill

Attached: 1637947875822.png (1216x524, 125.33K)

wtf is his problem

He probably relates to Sheldon.

its too mundane it needs more sound effects

husband I'm going to shake our child

Sheldor get Macintosh computer

Good Show un-ironically

I like the show but if the parents cheat on each other I will drop the show.

It's just a white version of smart guy

yes I'm madly in love with his sister

do it
kill it

this but TBBT

It is canon in TBBT that George cheats on Mary.

The weather girl in the laundromat isn't bad.

He's a nerd. Back in the day, all scientists were male nerds.