Chocolate cake, gameboy, me

>chocolate cake, gameboy, me

What do you pick?

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reminder thats the chick from dumb & dumber

and her

eat the gameboy, fuck the chocolate cake

i take the red pill

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>You can get the chocolate cake from the Bakery
>You can get the gameboy from the electronics store
You can't get a girl that attractive to make love with you

The card that's been stuck in her sweaty ass all day

lauren holly was such a babe
i love a woman in uniform

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First: I don't consume sugar
Second: Video games are for children
Third: I only like women with penises
*turn 360 degrees and walks away*

pick her. sleep with her. blackmail her for game boy and chocolate cake.

thank me later

Didn’t she tank her career by making blatantly racist comments during an interview or am I thinking of someone else?

>360 degrees
You'd walk right into her, dumbass.

you idiot, you're lying down in bed.
You'd just roll around and get tangled in your sheets, stupid!

kek the comments for that clip on the original upload were something else

How did the kid dream about her when he never even met her before? There's no scenes of them interacting prior to this episode.

checking these triple dubs

> How did the kid dream about her when he never even met her before? There's no scenes of them interacting prior to this episode.
It's Jungian, that he knew without knowing and only because of the vague descriptions of her given to him by others.

At this point it impossible to tell what’s genuine and what’s a troll with this meme.

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Heh, how about I'm picking none of them.

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Why do I have to choose, huh? Typical fucking woman. It's not good enough to just chill out, play some gameboy together, eat some cake, and fuck each other's bloated cake-stuffed body until we're hurling brown vomit all over each other. No, you have to make me play some choosey little game. FUCK YOU.


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>he’s never heard of Vegas

depends, is it raw

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Take the Gameboy, fire up Kid Dracula or Metroid 2, pause and have some cake every few minutes while she blows me.

>What do you pick?

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