Irishman playing a racist italian stereotype with over the top accent and makeup

>irishman playing a racist italian stereotype with over the top accent and makeup

this is literally spaghetti face

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Also the penguin is supposed to have a london accent.
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking.

I thought he was supposed to be vaguely jewish

still can't believe that's Coin fucking Ferrell

no he's not, that was something the arkham games made up because nolan north wanted to have an english accent.

He is, but a Jew can be from london.

Oh well, the more you know.
Still cobblepott doesn't sound very neapolitan.

He's meant to be an East Coast WASP from old money, like the Waynes

In the comics, I always thought he was meant to be an American WASP, who only feels more and more anachronistic when presented in his classic way due to the fact he was conceived in the fucking 40's. IIRC, Penguin in the Timm animated series had an American accent but one of those upper class mid-Atlantic ones, that really isn't too far flung from the RP-speaking English.

At least his name sounds British. How many wops are named Oswald Cobblepot?

Is Oswald Sopranos supposed to be more of an anti-hero/anti-villain? It would make sense seeing as how Penguin is one of the few totally sane Batman villains to actually ally with him and form a gruding respect despite being opposed more often than not

hiveminded chuds

Fuck this bigoted trash.

No he's not, the lore in those games is so fucking retarded. He and Bruce had the same upbringing.

take it easy, sweetheart

Oof Madone, Wayne never had the makings of a masked vigilante

I thought he got but by a radioactive penguin

Ayy, Bat boy, better watch out, cat lady's been gettin' pumped and dumped so damn much that this pussy's pussy is now hangin' and flappin' around like slices of gabagool!

Oh! Take it eas'

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Why would a guy named Oswald Cobblepit talk like a guido? If anything he's either a Angloid doing business in America or he's an American that can trace his ancestry back to the colonial period.
Comics are pretty inconsistent but if I remember correctly, Gotham is in New Jersey and the Cobblepots like the Waynes were one of the big Anglo families that helped build Gotham.

Italians are basically white niggers. So it evens out.

Or he Anglicized his name precisely because he thinks it will help advance his station in life, and they have stated that this Penguin wants more than to be a mid tier mobster. If they're attentive enough to have conceived that as his background (even if it's only a BTS trivia thing cause they couldn't convey it in the movie with a limited run time), I'll be sort of impressed.

>contributes to culture and society like none other
>in 2022 Sven, whose country has never done anything beyond raping and pillaging, goes full keyboard warrior while he sucks nigger cock.

No one was Irish in this movie

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De Niro's character was Irish... yet he is a wop? What the hell? This is cultural appropiation! Unacceptable!

Would've went with "pizza face" since noodles are Chinese you culture appropriating motherfucker!