Clive Barker was set to write and John Carpenter to direct

>Clive Barker was set to write and John Carpenter to direct
>Clive said that the versus bit, the Michael Myers vs Pinhead bit was a bit beside the point – it was a bit boring given that Michael doesn’t speak, which makes him a disappointment to Pinhead. Clive wasn’t interested in a mano-a-mano confrontation. He was interested in finding the places where the Hellraiser and Halloween landscapes might have crossed over. The first Halloween works like a classic vampire movie with Michael as Dracula and Dr. Loomis as Van Helsing.
>It gave Michael this supernatural, mysterious element that made him so powerful. There was a suggestion he was something not human and Clive felt there was a way in there. Clive saw him as a sadomasochistic sexual pervert and serial killer which would be enough to pique Pinhead’s interest.
>Moustapha Akkad was vehemently opposed to the idea.
>Barker would later hint at studio interference, telling a Fangoria convention that “The Shape” aka Myers was treated “like Hamlet” by certain big-wigs upstairs.
What the FUCK man

Attached: hellraiserhalloween.jpg (1200x630, 120.78K)

The studio was right

rightly retarded for dumping this idea

Making The Shape too sexual is stupid. However, Pinhead and Myers kinda works. Cenobites are all about extremes of experience, and Myers being so removed from the human experience its kinda fascinating.

I thought the heavy breathing he was doing while killing Linda hinted that he was bit of a pervert

The original halloween had a hint of a sexual element to Myers, as did some of the sequels, but, to me, thats stupid.
The way I see it, is instead of having a sexual awakening he had his evil awakening. Thats why he stabbed his slut sister to death, because she was the impetus. But its not like he's horny while he kills

I like the idea of Pinhead being fascinated with Michael desu, like he's trying to figure out what's going on under that head of his.

That sounds kino

>congenital analgesia, is one or more extraordinarily rare conditions in which a person cannot feel (and has never felt) physical pain
What would Pinhead do in this situation

Probably nothing, one of the reasons its so rare is that people who suffer from it usually die young due to getting themselves injured and not realising how serious it is

that's honestly the coolest thing behind the idea, that Pinhead can't get him to feel anything so he can't hurt him

Michael groans in pain though. Just not when he's shot, I guess.

Do Cenobites do emotional experience or just physical?

>single piano note plays
>aerial pan over crystal lake
>British woman narrates: “Let us be clear”
>single piano note
>slow pan over freddy krueger’s workshop
>single piano note
>”You’re going to go to war”
>slow zoom on sadako’s well
>”with an entity beyond anything we’ve ever experienced”
>quick shots of the Thing murdering scientists
>”and your best response”
>quick shots of carrie’s grave, Texas chainsaw house, and chucky’s box
>”is a collection of serial killers”
>shot of Michael Myers’ mask
>”who may or may not even exist?”
>Cut to The Rock in a room full of suits
>”Oh . . . They’re real, alright.”
>Epic orchestral rendition of “Thriller” by Michael Jackson begins to play
>Robert Englund pulls up a bunch of screens
>”Let’s meet the team!”
>”Jason Voorhees, zombie killer of Camp Crystal Lake. Virgin, has issues with naked women.”
>”Freddy Krueger, dream killer. Possesses near limitless power in the dream world. Might have Tourette’s.”
>”Sadako Yamamura. Functionally immortal ghost woman who can kill anyone who views her cursed tape. Not so good with water.”
>Sadako vomits water down her front
>suits cringe
>”Carrie White. Volatile, telekinetic, and professional wallflower.”
>Carrie waves at the camera, someone’s head explodes offscreen
>Kevin Hart exclaims “Aw hell naw!”
>”Jebediah Sawyer. Cuddly teddy bear when he’s not chainsawing people to death and eating their remains.”
>Leatherface offers man-meat sloppy joe to security guard
>”Charles Lee Ray. Serial killer trapped in the body of a child’s doll.”
>”Down here fucker!”
>Camera has to pan down so Chucky can be seen
>”And Michael Myers.”
>Musics stops comedically
>the rock: “So what are his powers?”
>Robert Englund: “He’s . . . Persistent.”

>Music starts back up
>Jason and Freddy vs the Thing
>Carrie throws Chucky with her mind
>Sadako wrestles the Thing’s tentacles with her hair
>Vincent price narration
>”The foulest stench is in the air
>The funk of forty-thousand years”
>Shot of the Rock and Emily Blunt gunning down Thing-infected goons
>”And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
>Are closing in to seal your doom”
>Sadako and Jason touch foreheads, trapped underwater
>Carrie: "We're all monsters on the inside"
>”And though you fight to stay alive
>Your body starts to shiver”
>Leatherface saws the Thing in half only for it to split into two Things
>Michael mows down goons with his knife
>”For no mere mortal can resist”
>Freddy turns to the Rock
>”So that’s it, bitch? We’re some kinda -
>The Rock holds up a finger
>Vincent price laugh


As funny as this is as a parody of movie previews, I would be pissed if they actually made a movie like this with this kind of tone to it

Also it's missing the Ash cameo that I remember when it was posted in /hor/

This is absurd. Almost as absurd as the fact that I would pay to see it. Get that shit written, user. I'm sure jewwood would get it made.

They can't even make a standalone Friday 13th film because of Jews Jewing Jews over copyright ownership, nevermind making such an insane crossover.

kek this is perfect

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