Are all movie critics jut bitter, cherry picking, failed directors...

Are all movie critics jut bitter, cherry picking, failed directors? or there is someone who actually loves the medium among them?

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Is this thread just an excuse to try and get someone to post the pic of him getting cucked again

Doug Walker

wait what?
i just saw a video about his failed show "demo reel" what a sad tale.

I would like to see this

why are you so obsessed with this dago faggot youtuber?

Dago is a good word, I am going to start using it more

Why did she continue after he said stop?


I was paid to review movies for almost 20 years and i even made some movies because i really enjoy the creative process. And then Covid happened, a couple of publications i wrote for went extinct and i stopped seeing movies every week. Once that cadence stopped, i kind of stopped giving a shit about movies. I still watch movies but i dont engage in the kind of discussions I used to. I don't have strong opinions about them anymore. Honestly, it felt like being paroled. Not being so invested in entertainment was a fucking gift.

alex on sardonicast seems like just a normal guy who loves the medium, its pretty funny seeing him contrasted with adum's autistic whinging and ralph's brain-dead comments

roger ebert never tried to make movies either, he just wanted to share his opinions with regular people, his reviews didn't have an ulterior motive to break into the industry

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Doug’s lowest point was a shitty game show he made
the highest point of those youtube channels was talking about his shitty game show
Doug literally can’t stop winning

His ex was hot

unironically Doug. He stays the course and only talks about things he's interested in.
Sometimes its really awful and usually its mediocre, but sometimes he can be insightful and he is clearly more passionate about the craft than ralph.

Filmento is the only good film review I have come across

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autist who sucks Marvel cock if I remember correctly

Grace Randolph
Marcus (Cosmonaut)
Angry Joe
Brandon Keith Avery

Oh right the Jewish cuckold, been a while since I saw that pic, would have been better if I actually believed that was Ralph at first.

>I missed this cause I went to bed half an hour earlier after already being active on the YMS/Ralph threads that evening
Thanks, user - never would have knew about this until way later.

Unironically do we have proof? I'd laugh it he was a kike in addition to being a wop.

what the fuck hahahahaha what a faggot