Twin Peaks

Twin Peaks.

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>Twin Peaks
that's the shitty reboot though


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Season 3 >= Season 1 > Season 2

any other ranking is wrong and is inarguable evidence of terminally plebeiosis

there was no season 3, the shitty reboot is its own single season show

it’s not a reboot you stupid nigger, just because it doesn’t have SEASON 3 in the fucking title doesn’t make it not a direct continuation of the story.

hey remember that goofy, heartwarming faux soap opera with horror elements I did in the 90s? Anyway here’s the continuation of that beloved series, only with all the warmth and humor replaced by graphic murder scenes. Oh also we’re introducing 12 new characters, two of which are likable!

Hope you like screaming!

For me it's
Fire Walk With Me > Season 1 > Revival >>> Season 2

Based retard

just finished season 1 and i'm not entirely sure this show is for me, the nonsensincal scenes almost become too formulaic after awhile, wow its weird david lynch i get it, can you pull the shrooms out of your ass and get to the fucking PLOT sometime soon? does season 2 get better?

dude james lmao

>There was no warmth and humor in The Return
>There were no graphic murder scenes in the original series
>There was no screaming in the original series
Try actually watching the show before commenting lol

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You were filtered for life by little brain genes.

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>does season 2 get better?
Yesn't. But keep watching.

you could remove everything that isn't part of the dougie storyline and it would be an immediate improvement


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This show makes everything else look so fucking stupid. It took me 4 years after the Return to start liking anything else ever again.

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It's 2022. The manufactured virus has caused a global psyop that turned people against each other more than ever before. GPT-3 algorithms conduct most of the conversations online, and deviant sex predators monitor mainstream debates. The world is being artificially polarized in order to cause a global depression that will tank western economies and empower military-industrial complex. The sovereign state of Ukraine has been turned into a meatgrinder by the EU and USA in order to bring Russia to heel. Meanwhile, China continues to conduct its operations in Africa and Southeast Asia while monitoring the Russian front as it becomes a pronounced globohomo target. Social credit is already everywhere, subscription models ensure that you will never own anything, from software to physical objects, and first-world countries can freeze your assets at anytime for speaking doubleplusungood words. Jobs are moving into cloud and are about as much rooted in reality; exports are about to crash to the bottom of the sea and there is a real possibility of hunger in a less than a years' time. American deep state has dropped all pretenses and propped up a corpse to act like Reagan 3.0 while Russian oligarchy is making a last-ditch effort to secure an esoteric sphere of influence on behest of fellow Slavs suffering. There is a Satanic ritual going on in the east, upvoted all the way to the altar that is Kharkiv. Turn off your smartphone and go back to bed.


The scenes of graphic violence in the original were few and far between, and were far les graphic. I think the most brutal was the murder of Maddie, which is surpassed by the return in the first episode. The violence on randoms is also contained to the crossbowing of a single metal head, while in the return lots of characters exist only to be graphically murdered.
The original had screams but not the blood-curdling, four-second-long screams
Of the return.