America has three times more serial killers than any other nation, and two-thirds of all known serial killers

>America has three times more serial killers than any other nation, and two-thirds of all known serial killers

Attached: 3859e4144ae2fd112a8c66b8c77a1801.jpg (500x497, 34.87K)

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seeing this guys face posted on Any Forums freaks me out because he looks just like me and for a second i think i've been doxxed

>America has three times more schizos than any other nation, and two-thirds of all known schizos

>nation of mentally ill and violent psychopaths

Attached: murka.jpg (540x960, 71.56K)

Most serial killers travel to Hollywood to get famous. Most killers have some form of narcism. You come to America to get famous.

This country is bred to give that 1/1000000 shot to fame in peoples heads. Serial Killers are just like that as well.

America is third largest country in the world in terms of population

America is also the largest free society in the world, so this info is public. Soviet Union had a long standing policy of dealing with serial killers silently because they feared causing panic in population. Russia and China are probably same

Wtf is this real

post face then faggot

not only is it real, it shows just how incredibly based it is to live in america. I can stroll into a walmart to grab a gallon of milk, and end up buying a gun.

Where Do you think Immigrants migrate to?


More like had. It seems like serial killers are sort of a thing of the past now. Maybe because of the internet distracting everyone and maybe detouring sociopaths into less destructive fixations. Plus everyone is being surveilled now and algorithms and new software would probably pick up on patterns and correlations that could solve such cases much more quickly now.

Same thing with Covid rates. USA got hammered for “higher” rates just because they actually published the real numbers, or even bothered trying to count. lol

I'm an autistic NEET that never grooms himself so you'll have to do with this.

Attached: 0602FC52-77C2-4378-AB38-83C6E3A42F85.jpg (1468x1898, 477.62K)



>The resemblance is uncanny!


Why murder and get caught by DNA evidence to get fame when you could just grab a gun and kill 20+ people in one go and be famous forever

Because the EU has guys like this who are embedded in all levels of law enforement and government. Seriously read this shit it's like 10x worse than Epstein

Get out of here beanstalker

>Soviet Union had a long standing policy of dealing with serial killers silently because they feared causing panic in population.
They liked to think it was a capitalist disease that could not exist in their perfect system.

Attached: Serial killers are a capitalist disease comrade, so we must use a capitalist gun to kill it.png (1920x1080, 3.06M)


Yeah serial killers were more isolated and neglected and the product of modern alienation whereas the more contemporary shooters are more performatively televisual and viral and boil it down to one event. That said I don't think the latter come from the same tendency or personalities, they seem more related to frustration and rage like the older "postal" shooters whereas serial killers are more malignantly psychotic and methotically into what they do. Not sure what happened to them, they probably just play video games and have warped porn addictions now

is serial killing still a thing?
dna makes it harder to kill people and get away with it

Yes, but only those who carefully plan it get away with it

I think there are some spree-killers that would have become serial killers if they hadn't been influenced by Columbine growing up. Elliott would probably have lived his live seething about women until he's worked himself up to kill another couple like the Zodiac Killer, then that would make his seethe go down a bit and allow him to go on with life for a bit while the seethe builds up again with every happy couple he sees. He was already working his way up to that with his "throw juice at couple and run away" shit.

Of course he wouldn't have been as successful as the Zodiac because he was tarded, he'd probably have failed on his first or second attempt to kill a couple and get himself shot, or ended up killing himself when he heard that a victim survived and could give the cops the description of an ugly manlet.

Attached: gentleman.png (400x254, 130.95K)

Yeah but they mostly kill black prostitutes these days

Face blindness is a symptom of autism, user
Poor grooming is the last of your problems


Attached: 1603314683363.jpg (720x1280, 780.03K)