Netflix is

Netflix is...

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No maccas and no Netflix will piss them off more

What will that accomplish?

why should the Russian people be punished for their leaders actions? why does the left support racism against Russians??

Strengthening Russia.

Yes, make the Russian people feel isolated and alone. Surely this won't backfire.

>if you don't play ball we'll cut you off from CONSOOM
I want this shit to call apart already

Why is it okay for Amerisharts to illegally invade other countries but not for Russia?

God I hope everyone gets shut off and every Jew threatens to gas themselves if Russia doesn't leave

netflix's founder and CEO is Edward Bernays' grandson

Pretty sure the people elected him to be their leader

>people elected him
So they're better than Weimart

Should I go to the liquor store and buy all the russian standards and stoli? Will they increase in price?

>Coming this summer to Netflix…
>From the visionary mind of Jordan Peele…
>A black man persecuted by his fellow man defies the odds, challenges racism, and proves the white man wrong…
>And when Russia invades, he truly shows what black men are capable of…
>Idris Elba is… The Ghost of Kyiv.

Because we can, third world snow nigger.

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Do they not know how Russians get their movies?

Because Russia is the last non-diverse country in the world. Even China and Japan are importing Africans.

Happening!!!! Russia will not receive more pozzed content!

Because America first does some false flag attack against themselves

>non diverse
american education at work

>no more woke shit from Netflix
>no more degenerate shit from Pornhub
>ability to now form their own currency with crypto

I thought Russia was losing...

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>Do they not know how Russians get their movies?
Neither how Ukrainians do. Distilled delusion in action.

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>Netflix loses subscriber money
sounds based

Literally no one here subscribes to any streamer service.

Not him but I'm also American. I thought Russia was just full of slavs and Jews.

Ukraine should do a false flag against a NATO country for fun