This is legitimately fucking great...

This is legitimately fucking great. The animation is detailed and fluid and the humour is clever and witty without relying on gross out gags or toilet slapstick like other shitty cartoons. The overall message of the series is good natured and celebrates kindness and friendship. Congratulations Zach.

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>smiling friends
I thought that shit got canned?

>The animation is detailed
Yes, it was great
>the humour is clever
Nah, it was stupid and only worked due to the different styles of animation in each episode

7/10 for me, pretty solid short show

>i'm mr. sneed
>this is my thread
>i kill the janny (kills the tranny janny)
>i killed the janny
>this is the end
>i love you

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poor man's ren and stimpy.

I watch it and it has a null effect on me as opposed to most cartoons which I feel actively corrode my mind so I suppose it's a W

>short show
That's my biggest issue with it. A 1st season consisting of ten 20 min long episodes would have been perfect.

>Hola, no lo siento por lo que hice.

Only reason I won't shit all over people that say they don't find it funny is because I recognize it is a very specific kind of humor and a lot of it requires inside context to be funny, like Chills.

I personally enjoy how the humor circles back to the beginning of the episode. Like how he was like "dude you really need to get glasses" at the end was probably the best joke in the show for me.

Very natural sounding post user

dont bring your smart bullshit here. the show is good and thats it, anyone can get the jokes

What a shitty episode

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The animation was great.
The humor was mneh.
The stories were fun.

Overall an enjoyable show I'll watch the next season of but after the 10/10 pilot I was super disappointed.

It would be better if they fired the Aussie guy. But apparently his animation studio is the one doing all the work so i guess that'll never happen

>he doesn't like Pim.

Yolo Crystal whatever was also funny as fuck at times

It's good to see a cartoon that actually feels fresh and not a carbon copy of something else.
Parts of it reminded me of Spongebob and Family Guy but it stands on its own well.

Watched it all in a day. It has some decent fever dream energy but I'm so burnt out on inane crazy animation. Maybe I'm just too old for it now and it's a young person's thing, but I can't get anything more out of it. I'm so tired of the whole "Cartoon goes DARK and WEIRD to make a POINT" shit

The only part that reminded me of any other show was honestly the producer faggot in Mr Frog. It felt like a cringe youtube attempt at being normie friendly TV.

wasn't as strong as the other episodes but i still liked it

meh, it was mildly entertaining at best. dont know why people try to hype it up as something great. it has the same lolsorandumb humor as rick and morty

>you now know Chris Chan was supposed to play a voice role in this episode but wasn't brought in because of budget reasons

I honestly thought the puddle was Chris Chan when I first saw that episode, felt vindicated to know it was meant to be an impression.

Actually correction; there were two other parts that felt cringe and like lame attempts to feel like Bob's Burgers/Simpsons/Family Guy/etc.

1. Pim's daydreaming about Shrimpina.
2. Satan being a 'normal frustrated dude' and Gilbert Godfried.

Overall ranking tho;
1. Desmond's Big Day Out
[Gigapower gap]
2. Charlie Dies and Doesn't Come Back
3. Frowning Friends
4. Enchanted Forest
5. Who Violently Murdered Simon S. Salty?
6. Mr. Frog
7. A Silly Halloween Special
8. Shrimp's Odyssey


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