I'm a superhero!

I'm a superhero!

Attached: David-Dastmalchian-as-Polka-Dot-Man.jpg (2048x1061, 154.82K)

The moment it cut to the wide angle you could tell what was gonna happen. Gunn's humor is getting worse.

It would have been a better ending if it was Ratcatcher 2 who got squished. Nobody would have expected it and it would have given the movie an actual edge.

this boy deserved more

I wonder if the second spin-off show is going to be a polka dot prequel

Ratcatcher got blown up by Waller in the original script, but Gunn decided against it. Tbh I agree with it, would have been too sour an end for the movie

Yeah him getting stomped over that was very formulaic, it wasn't even a surprise and just soured the moment

Polkadot bruhs, he was supposed to come back in peacemaker! Why they gotta do him like his! He could have fucking sliced starro in half! He could have fuck split white dragon in two! Wtf! He should not have died!

>it's bad because i saw it coming
who's more boring, you or Gunn ?

I don't know who or what that is

Ha yeah, that's why I never watch historical kinos because I already know what's going to happen.
Fucking retard. Kill yourself.

Yes it's bad if you can guess a punchline before it happens. An obvious joke isn't funny.

especially in a film that's supposed to be irreverent and edgy. did anyone really think the black guy, ratcatcher, or Harley were ever in any real danger?

Hey reddit

Jokes aren't funny if you see the punchline before it happens. I'm fine with him dying, it was war, but the joke sucked

I hated that they didn't even put a little background hint kind of a thing to leave themselves the possibility of having him survive

>how would he survive?
Polka dot powers.

let's hope not

Peacemaker surviving a carotid gunshot wound was bad enough

Polka-Dot Man was a joke character in the comics so the fact that he lasted as long as he did in the Suicide Squad is actually better than I would have expected from him

This, just don't have a wide angle. Squish him from that exact perspective and later switch to wide angle.

They need to add The Eraser in the next Suicide Squad movie

It couldn't be worse than Cena.

Who tf does he fight? Pencilhead and son?