Loves guns

>Loves guns
>Loves justice
>Hates feds
>Hates journalists
>Doesn't pay taxes
>Hugs his mom
>Loves fast food and cookies
He was an American hero

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>muh americans are fat
they're only as fat as the average western nation.

Cool, so you're splitting hairs over single digit percentage differences between nations.

Hollywood wouldn't actually make a movie like this right

oh they did, and they dragged Eastwood and Olivia Wilde over her character being suggested to use sex to gain intel (she's portrayed as the 'villain' in the film) of course there was no lawsuits and of course journalists NEVER do that..

Could it be said that this flick is "redpilled" on journos

I actually thought this was a pretty thoughtful mainstream kino. We don't have a ton of nuanced, middle of the road Hollywood flicks. Was Ford/Wyler esque in that sense

I liked how Clint's idea of having Jewell man up was allowing every character to make fun of his weight to his face.

Wtf is this movie even about? I have a hard time believing it's even based on a true story, I've never ever fucking heard of this and I've lived in america for 31 years.

>During the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, security guard Richard Jewell discovers a suspicious backpack under a bench in Centennial Park. With little time to spare, he helps to evacuate the area until the incendiary device inside the bag explodes. Hailed as a hero who saved lives, Jewell's own life starts to unravel when the FBI names him the prime suspect in the bombing.
Rest of the movie is Jewell working with Rockwell to clear his name and call out the glowfags and news rags that fucked with him.

Good morning sir

It's 10% difference without the rest of anglosphere so cope amerifart.

Did he do it, bros?

Too dumb and loving to commit such a crime.

Eastwood is fairly based. Journos complained about it but fuck them.

>The film came under fire for its portrayal of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter Kathy Scruggs, who had died of a prescription drug overdose in 2001.
Based Clint dabbing on junkie cunts.

Attached: images.jpg (209x241, 8.38K)

I only watched it because of Sam Rockwell

He loved the feds which is what did most the damage for him

A cautionary tale for modern Americans

The issue really isn’t that there are more fat people in the US than in other western countries (there are but as this user said the difference isn’t that massive), it’s that the fat people in the US are FAT and by that I mean Gargantuesque, absolute units, colossally and morbidly fat. It’s the only country in the world where there is an industry of the mobility scooter for fatsos.

Olivia Wilde was smoking hot in this.

Attached: Olivia Wilde Richard Jewell [15.41-15.51].webm (1920x804, 3M)

great film

Attached: Olivia Wilde Richard Jewell [10.38-10.40].webm (1000x804, 2.07M)

Attached: 1635560144574.jpg (850x600, 25.33K)

Attached: Olivia Wilde Richard Jewell [10.53-10.59].webm (1920x804, 2.9M)