Hardy was apparently known for turning up to set late, and during one incident...

>Hardy was apparently known for turning up to set late, and during one incident, this boiled over into a furious argument between Hardy and Theron. Hardy, along with the rest of the cast and crew, was required to be on set by 8am. After producers made a “special request” for Hardy to turn up on time, he nevertheless turned up 3 hours late, all while Theron was on set and ready to shoot – despite the fact that she was a new mother at the time, with her baby in childcare nearby.

>Theron was reportedly furious. “She was really going to make a point,” said camera operator Mark Goellnicht. “She didn’t go to the bathroom, didn’t do anything. She just sat in the War Rig.”

>After Hardy finally arrived, Theron apparently responded: “How disrespectful are you?” and said the producers should “fine the f**king c**t a hundred thousand dollars for every minute that he’s held up this crew”.

>Hardy apparently responded by “charging up to her” demanding: “What did you say to me?”

>Goellnicht noted that Hardy was “quite aggressive” and that Theron “really felt threatened.” At this point, Theron demanded protection on set.

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>that Theron “really felt threatened.” At this point, Theron demanded protection on set.

I guess she didn't feel in charge

Bullies don’t like to be called out.


Actors are pieces of shit and should all be incinerated.

He's a late guy.

Woa why the fuck didn't Hardy realize that she can be as disrespectful and threatening as SHE wanted, but he can't because those are the rules.

So tired of this shit, tranny bros.

[citation needed]

>doesn't believe random statements on the internet in 2022



>Hardy was apparently known for making a mess and throwing his trash on set, and during one incident, this boiled over into a furious argument between Hardy and production staff. After producers made a “special request” for Hardy to clean up after himself, he nevertheless threw stuff on the ground and said "clean it up wagie", all while production agents were tasked with finding him chicken tenders that were "more crispy".

I literally don't understand Hardy. People tell stories about him like he's doing some intense method acting shit but he's clearly just autistic and enabled by everyone. Shia said Hardy showed up to day one of that shitty bootlegging movie and just whipped it out and pissed all over the set. Wtf does that have to do with acting in a gangster movie?

Charlize Theron is batshit crazy, from her and her mom shot her dad with a shotgun in South Africa to nowadays
he's a fake tough guy known for being a secret fag

Daily reminder that the Romans considered actors to be prostitutes, and that they were right.

Hilarious she plays ‘tough’ characters, when seemingly some words set of off edge.

next thing you're gonna tell me that she doesn't have a prosthetic arm

Whatever happened they should keep doing it because that movie was a 10/10 and they were both perfect.

>After Hardy finally arrived, Theron apparently responded: “How disrespectful are you?” and said the producers should “fine the f**king c**t a hundred thousand dollars for every minute that he’s held up this crew”.
>Hardy apparently responded by “charging up to her” demanding: “What did you say to me?”
Fucking bitch running her mouth then cowers behind a man, fake tough girl power is such a joke

I need real details:
Here is the problem. The set coordinater (basically a runner choir intern, lowest person on set)
Will go to your trailer when you are trying to sleep or practice lines and say “need you on set in 5 minutes”.
So you go there, and the crew is just barely starting to set up, it’s going to be hours before they start shooting.
All this because the runner intern is so afraid of being fired because someone wasn’t there.
So the chads start telling them to fuck off and show up when they are actully needed.
So I need to know, were they actually shooting at 8am? (Doubt)

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who gives a shit about a bunch of buttfucking faggots, kys

That’s mostly Becuase most “acting “. Involved lewd dancing on stage between melodrama one acts, and most of the time the one acts were cut for for Lewds. Also some clown like jester like crap.
