Why does this give off Gen Zed vibes?

Why does this give off Gen Zed vibes?

Attached: FMUU59rXEAUjnXQ.jpg (680x510, 92.96K)

its obnoxious, annoying, relishes in ugliness and low taste and has no deeper substance

is this a prequel to Ratatouille? the kid in green looks like Linguini


They’re brown and LBGT. Zoomers are predominantly non white and 1 in 4 zoomies is a fag or tranny

but that's beavis and butthead

Attached: 3923648-beavis-and-butthead.jpg (1214x933, 373.16K)

>anime makes girly bullshit

I don't understand why so many men watch girly anime. I even understand animators, but men? I couldn't stand a minute of sakura card captor

Yup. I'm a zoomer, and as much as I don't like it, that seems true.

That's what they said about millennials.

I'm a failed normie who works with young people and it's way too true. Especially among white people. At least I don't have to fuck 30 year old women working here.

because you weren't liked as a child and don't know how kids act

The main girl dresses like this zoomer girl I'm obsessed with.

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That's kinda creepy...

Millennial youths were significantly more subdued than zoomers due to the lack of tik tok culture




The art style looks like the grubhub commercials.

Attached: hubgrub.jpg (320x180, 6.97K)

Forgot to mention that she's wearing a Negetive XP t-shirt in that pic. It's crazy that a girl this hot can be so based.

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beavis and butthead was self aware and used this as a tool to parody society

Who is she bro?